On 16 September 2017 my blog site http://ift.tt/2xkowDT has crossed 5 million hits. My present health doesn't permit me to enjoy a quiet drink from "buddha baba" as I'm recuperating from a bad Typhoid. I can be quietly proud of this long journey. I have never missed a single day, come what may.
Spending 6-7 hours a day on this blog site is not easy. I wanted to monetize this site so that I can employ some people to carry this forward. I had approached google add sense for ads. Since I do not write anything myself, it was not possible for google to put adds in my blog. I have been told by many you don't write yourself, what is the use? Can somebody help me so that I can employ people to take this job forward? I was told that I had to open an account in Paypal or such other account, take permission from Department of Revenue Intelligence and then only I can think of getting some revenue.
I have not been able to update my knowledge on line (http://ift.tt/1x7K8rS) website much in last two years. One requires a good internet connection to do it. Recently I was reading a paper on China : The Three Warfares published by Andy Marshall,Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Washington, D.C. To my pleasant surprise, I found that a number of references were quoted from my knowledge on line website. Many scholarly papers quote from my knowledge on line website as a source material.
The countrywise distribution of my blogsite is given below
Pageviews by Countries
United States 1466178
India 812627
Russia 429382
Germany 370071
France 291533
Ukraine 101294
China 76579
Netherlands 75675
Poland 60073
United Kingdom 57536
I have neither the time nor the the energy to do all these. I am taking a deep breath and will stop this blog site for sometime till I decide in which form, if at all it, it should take. It is time now to move on and write some papers on my own and prove my detractors wrong!
PS. Do not send a message saying good job, keep up the good work, etc.
I don't need those.
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