Just watched one of GSN's four - count 'em, four - debut eps of
Snap Decision.
To spare you any more suspense, I'll sum up the show in a phrase: a reboot of
Street Smarts. Which doesn't mean that I don't like it.
Street Smarts was one of my top fifty of all time, and this new version is by no means bad.
Snap Decision is not an exact copy. The three contestants don't have to guess which of the three strangers on the street know which trivia questions. Instead, they have to guess which of the three strangers wears cross-gender underwear (among other personal foibles).
But it's pretty much the same idea. You gotta figure out things about strangers from superficial clues based on appearance, mannerisms, speech patterns, etc. At least showrunner Scott St. John didn't bastardize his previous effort.
David Alan Grier, who has appeared on every game show in the last ten years, hosts with apparent enthusiasm, though you can never know for sure. I'm just making a snap decision.
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