Not that there was ever any doubt about the shows getting renewed. As Sony likes to remind us, they both draw audiences of around ten million. That's a big number in today's zillion-channel universe. And if you don't take Nielsen's add-'em-up syndie method very seriously, Wheel is the top-rated game show on TV. (Family Feud gets to add up its two or four or whatever daily runs to make its number.) The one uncertainty about the shows was whether Alex Trebek would return for more years of answers and questions.
Alex is getting close to the big eight-oh after all, and his last contract renewal set off alarums and excursions about a possible retirement. Things seem to have gone more smoothly this time. Mr. Trebek will be reading the clues into the year 2020.
The one syndie game show that seems to live year by year is Millionaire, and it's safe through at least one more season starting in fall, 2017. We all know the sad fate of Celebrity Name Game, unfortunately.
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