
Top 5 Reasons You Can't Blame Hillary Clinton for "Losing" the Presidential Election

November 8, 2016: I told you to vote for Hillary.

Some of you listened.

Some of you didn't, and are feeling fooled -- as you damn well should feel. I forgive you.

Some of you didn't listen, and still support Trump. I do not forgive you.

Some of you didn't listen, but still say Hillary was not a better choice. You are the problem, not those others. You made the difference, not the people who supported Trump then and still support him now.

Top 5 Reasons You Can't Blame Hillary Clinton for "Losing" the Presidential Election

5. Donald Trump. Say what you want about the guy -- while you still can -- and I have. But, however despicable, his campaign was very effective.
"No, this is not a white power gesture, that I can tell you.
I am not signaling to America's bigots that I am one of them.
I should know. Nobody signals his supporters better than me.
Believe me!"

4. Trump Cheated. Vladimir Putin and the Russian government, and Julian Assange and his WikiLeaks (or "RusskiLeaks"), fabricated statements that spoke to the "Crooked Hillary" lie, and a bunch of gullible people believed it.
Furthermore, Russian hacked America's voting machines. This is not, as Trump called it, a hoax. The Senate even confirmed this. The Republican-controlled Senate, mind you.

3. James Comey. The Director of the FBI, in effect, turned the election with 2 weeks to go by revealing... nothing at all, but raising suspicions about Hillary.

Comey went on to get fired by Trump anyway, for apparent disloyalty. He is the one guy who has gone through this hated by both sides.
As Williams Shakespeare might say,
"A plague from both our houses!"

2. The Media. They were absolutely terrified of being called "liberal" and the charge that the election was "rigged." So they weren't willing to call Trump out on his crimes and lies, as they had been against John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012.

Then there were those media outlets that actually promoted Trump, because they either had a financial interest in a close election, or actually wanted a conservative to be President, or wanted the "entertainment" of a Trump Presidency. You know, like when the entertainer Ronald Reagan was in office. In each of these cases, you people know who you are. And we will not forget.

As usual, conservatives said CNN was against Trump. That's insane: They wanted Trump. But if Ted Turner -- who, I've heard, is not well -- were still running CNN, Trump would have been arrested by the FBI when he got to the bottom of the escalator.

But the biggest culprits of all?

1. The Progressive Purists. The people who wanted Bernie Sanders, but didn't go along with him when he endorsed Hillary. The people who voted for Jill Stein instead. The people who voted for Gary Johnson instead. The people who actually considered Trump to be more progressive. And the people who stayed home, and didn't vote at all.

Stein's vote totals in what turned out to be the 3 key States -- Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin -- were greater than Trump's margin of victory.

"The left" -- a term conservatives throw around, as if they know what it means -- does this at least once every generation:

* In 1948, they refused to vote for Harry Truman, and instead voted for Henry Wallace. That time, the Democrat won anyway.

* In 1968, they didn't get Robert Kennedy or Gene McCarthy, so they refused to vote for Hubert Humphrey, and mostly stayed home. And we got Richard Nixon.

* In 1980, they didn't get Ted Kennedy, so they refused to vote for Jimmy Carter, and mostly stayed home. And we got Ronald Reagan.

* In 2000, they didn't get Ralph Nader, so they refused to vote for Al Gore, and either stayed home, or voted for Nader anyway. And we got George W. Bush.

* In 2016, they didn't get Bernie Sanders, so they refused to vote for Hillary Clinton, and either stayed home, or voted for Jill Stein. And we got Donald Trump.
In 1968, 1980, 2000 and 2016, each time, the left caused the election of the President who was the least like the one they wanted.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me four times, and I'm a progressive purist.

VERDICT: Not Guilty. Hillary got more votes than any Presidential candidate, ever, except for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.

So don't tell me she was "unpopular." That is a lie.

And don't tell me she was "a flawed candidate." They all are.

This time, if you haven't already, don't let anything stop you. Show up. Vote.

Vote for Joe Biden. Trump must go.

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