Palestine will sever its relations with any country that will move or open its embassy to Jerusalem.We urge all nation states to abide by international law ,including security council resolutions 478 and 2334 . Violating int. law is a sign of weakness not strength
— Dr. Saeb Erakat الدكتور صائب عريقات (@ErakatSaeb) September 6, 2020
Has the PLO severed all relations with the US?
Does Erakat actually think that his threat would sway anyone?
The PLO is so used to threatening other countries with terror if things don't go their way. But the Arab world no longer follows the PLO lead. These threats aren't scaring anyone, and meanwhile Israel keeps adding diplomatic victories.
International law specified occupation by force of other people’s territory is the highest form of terrorism . Enough lies and blackmail . No one can normalise Israeli settlements, annexation and occupation
— Dr. Saeb Erakat الدكتور صائب عريقات (@ErakatSaeb) September 6, 2020
Really? The "highest form of terrorism?" This coming from the people who made international terrorism what it is today?
Of course, nowhere in international law does it say that occupation is terrorism. In fact, it is not even illegal - which is why there are so many laws concerning the conduct of belligerent occupiers.
And exactly whose territory was Judea and Samaria in 1947? 1949? 1967? 1988? What was the exact date that it supposedly became Palestinian territory according to the international law that Erakat pretends to be so interested in?
My home town Jericho is 11000 years old , the mother of all cities , the oldest inhibited city on earth ,and getting younger we are still here and we will be for at least another 11000 years . This is a promise. Abandon the lies and the blackmail , try justice and fairness .
— Dr. Saeb Erakat الدكتور صائب عريقات (@ErakatSaeb) September 6, 2020
The earliest people to live in Jericho who still exist today are Jews, over a thousand years before the Arab invasion and colonization of the Holy Land and over two thousand years before Erakat's family came from Transjordan and Arabia to Palestine.
In fact, Erakat himself admitted that he was a Jordanian and Bedouin, and the only thing that makes him "Palestinian" was where he happened to be born, not where his family was from.
It's funny that any Zionist points are dismissed as "hasbara" but no one points out the obvious lies from the Secretary General of the PLO.
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