I expected complaints about Match Game getting cut to ten showings a week, and the visitors did not disappoint. One of the posts, though, was almost Talmudic (this is an appropriate reference, as we shall see) in its dissection of a question on Master Minds. I happened to see the ep when this question popped up, and Ken Jennings nailed it to win the bonus round. The post on the Facebook page...
Question 4: "Believed by some to be Adam's first wife, who fled the Garden of Eden and refused to obey her husband?" This is not a part of Scripture either in the Christian Holy Bible nor is it part of the Torah. It is only Jewish folklore and something that some women use as a power "thing." The clue should have read that it was folklore, not that "some believe" because it is not something that ever happened, and as a Christian I take offense that you would dishonor the Word of God in such a way.
This is the tiniest quibble. It basically comes down to whether folklore is "believed" or not. It's hard for me to fault GSN over this, because all kinds of folk tales and urban legends garner some belief from some people. Or at least they earn a measure of acceptance.
Anyway, Ken got the right answer (Lilith) because he is...a trivia master mind.
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