
Outrageous: Palestinian prime minister says "Christ was a Palestinian guerilla"

Speaking at the Christmas tree lighting at Birzeit yesterday, Palestinian prime minister Mohamed Shtayyeh addressed the small crowd by talking about how proud they should be that the first Palestinian martyr who  identified as part of the student movement came from that village.

He then said, "Christmas is a Palestinian national holiday, and Christ was a Palestinian guerrilla, who stood against injustice."

The Arabic word he used for guerilla is "fidai", singular for "fedayeen" which is what Palestinians call terrorists who murder Jews.

Palestinian leaders have for years referred to Jesus as "Palestinian," a term he himself would not have recognized. Official media has even compared terrorists to Jesus. But this is the first time I can recall that a Palestinian leader has literally called Jesus the same word used for murderers.

This portrayal of Christianity's Jesus as a Palestinian terrorist should disgust all Christians worldwide.

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