Hey @IfNotNowOrg , since you like to tie your tweets to the Jewish calendar, perhaps you should consider doing teshuva now for the many sins you have done against the Jewish people.— Elder Of Ziyon ҉ (@elderofziyon) October 2, 2019
It's not too late.
Hey @IfNotNowOrg, it's now the fourth day of the Aseret Y'mei Teshuva. You still have time to repent for, among other things, being a massive chilul Hashem, telling the world that your fringe opinions hating Israel are mainstream for Jews.— Elder Of Ziyon ҉ (@elderofziyon) October 3, 2019
Do teshuva. If not now...when?
Hey @IfNotNowOrg, I see you tweet often about "courage."— Elder Of Ziyon ҉ (@elderofziyon) October 3, 2019
If you had courage, you would tweet something entirely good about Israel once in a while. Not backhanded but wholehearted.
But you won't, because you are cowards and fear the anger of your bigoted followers.
For those"progressives" who remain blind. pic.twitter.com/j59QGGEGE1— Elder Of Ziyon ҉ (@elderofziyon) October 4, 2019
Hey @IfNotNowOrg, it is the fifth day of the Aseret Y'Mei Teshuva.— Elder Of Ziyon ҉ (@elderofziyon) October 4, 2019
The Jews in the desert were punished to wander for 40 years because they listened to the false report of the spies about the Land - the sin called "Diba" in the Torah.
This is another sin you need to repent for.
Hey @IfNotNowOrg, as we continue with the Aseret Y'mei Teshuva, repent for the sin of "lifnei iver" - misleading people. Your lies about Israel amount to teaching people falsehoods and leading them to make decisions based on false information.— Elder Of Ziyon ҉ (@elderofziyon) October 6, 2019
Tell the truth, and repent.
Hey @IfNotNowOrg , it is Erev Yom Kippur. You have spent lots of time pointing out supposed Israeli Jewish "sins" but have not shown any awareness of your own sinat chinam, attacks on Jewish achdut, and loshon hara.— Elder Of Ziyon ҉ (@elderofziyon) October 8, 2019
In the coming year may you wake up and repent.
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