Basically, the posters play alphabetical order, with a game show connection for each letter in the alphabet. ("Betty White" for "B" and so forth.) The posters go their merry way until they get to "Q," which is skipped. I'll remedy the omission with a screenshot from the last episode of QuizBuzters. That was the high school quizzer hosted by Matt Ottinger, famed around the Internet for game show sites, trivia, and punditry.
The thread stops with "W." With the help of U.S. Game Shows Wiki, it's not hard to find connections for the remaining three letters...
Xuxa, a 1993 Family Channel stunt show for kids. The wiki harshly but correctly categorizes the show under "Flops." Believe it or not, some remnants survive on YouTube.
You Bet Your Life, of course. We can't leave Groucho out.
Zig & Zag: Alpha Dog Challenge. This was an Animal Planet game show from 1999. It challenged "two teams of family dogs and their owners to go paw-to-paw and display their athletic ability, intelligence, agility and poise in games designed to identify the Alpha Dog." The show proved to be a dog (sorry) but once again YouTube comes to the rescue with several bits and pieces.
So there. It wasn't so hard to fill out the alphabet.
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