Everyone has a human side. In this man I see bravery, a good dose of arrogance, very knowledgeable on human rights issues thanks to his PhD research thesis, smartness, could be blunt in his emotions at times, *extremely* loyal to especially the FORCES under his command on the ground, uncompromising at times, exponentially revolutionary in his thoughts, well read about the Ambazonia revolution, guards classified information and distribution like a vault, easy to cut any link that’s become toxic to reasonable thinking and engagement, is very numb to what he calls outside noise even when his confidantes want to brief him on such, not scared to address his team irrespective of who they are once he notice they either getting sloppy, one who is fascinated by our elders and would spend hours just listening, a restless man with bare minimum sleep due to the task of juggling issue between divergence time zones. This is the reality, Dr. Cho Ayaba thinks 10 steps all the time. His decision today on any issue is never done out of a *KNEE JERK* reaction. This is the truth, this man is the *MELTING POT* of everything about this war of Independence not only because he poses these qualities; but also because of his ability to pull towards him some of the finest Ambazonians with whom he has today formed a formidable team called AGovC. A team that has a robust internal checks and balances so no decision, policy or strategy is rolled out without it being scrutinized to the T.
He may not be perfect, but he is someone who has proven that he has what it takes to connect all the vital dots in this revolution to FREE Ambazonia. Did any Ambazonian ever think about *CREATING A VOID* when this revolution began? Did they know why it was necessary to creat the void that today exist in Ambazonia due to our self defense that was launched in Dardi? How many months ago was that? Two years? Now that void has to be filled! The question now is by who and how? That’s the million dollar question.
An analysis from someone who has seen this man up close, seen evidence with his own eyes that has convinced him beyond any doubt that this man is *SOLID* inside and out.
August 22, 2019
An analysis from someone who has seen this man up close, seen evidence with his own eyes that has convinced him beyond any doubt that this man is *SOLID* inside and out.
August 22, 2019
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