Given that it is insane to claim that the US is one of the worst countries on Earth for women, the next question is what was the methodology of the survey.
The article tells us:
Conducted online, by phone and in person between March 26th and May 4th, the survey polled 548 experts on women's issues spread evenly across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific. Those surveyed included academics and policymakers, healthcare staff and NGO workers, aid and development professionals and social commentators.
They were asked which five of the UN's 193 member states they thought were the most dangerous for women in six areas:Which means that a significant percentage of the "experts" said that the US was one of the top five worst countries for women, enough for the entire ranking to reach #10.
economic resources,
cultural or traditional practices,
sexual violence and harassment,
non-sexual violence, and
human trafficking.
All this proves is that too many "academics and policymakers, healthcare staff and NGO workers, aid and development professionals and social commentators" are completely useless idiots who have no business calling themselves experts on anything.
Those of us who have observed how "experts" speak about Israel are not too surprised that the US can get the same treatment from clueless academics and NGO workers. The difference is that most people can recognize that this survey is bogus because so many people live in or visit America. In Israel's case, constant exposure to anti-Israel messaging makes the pundits who hate Israel sound more reasonable to those who don't know any better.
The antidote, of course, is to have more people visit Israel and wander around on their own instead of going on tours with an agenda - right or left wing.
Maybe I should lead a tour of Israel where all we do is take a bus to the middle of Ashdod or Abu Ghosh or Nazareth or Bet El and let people go to supermarkets, restaurants, take taxi rides and just hang out and talk to whomever they want for a couple of hours at each site.
Anyone interested?
We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
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