The latest is a review of some daytime talk show hosts and their cash stashes. Of course, these are just crude estimates. Nobody but the hosts and their accountants know the true financial picture. But what the hey, it's prurient interest, remember?
A couple of game show hosts make the list. Family Feud's Steve Harvey clocks in at $180 million. This is twenty million more bucks than the same site estimated a couple months ago. Guess the extra money just appeared somehow. (I'll offer one more reminder that only the accountants know for sure.)
Ellen Degeners of the eponymous Ellen's Game of Games easily surpasses Steve with $450 million. In fact, she's number two on the list to only Oprah Winfrey, who blows the doors off with $3.5 billion. In fact, Oprah's pile is bigger than everybody else's on the list combined. And she's not even on TV much any more.
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