Much of the strangeness came from one poster, who seemed really distraught over the news. This commenter has always tended toward run-on sentences and helter-skelter logic, and those qualities showed up big in her remarks on the quizzer's axing. (I think she also posts on Game Show Paradise under a different username.)
Other posters reacted in varying ways to the Distraught One. Some sympathized and opined that the show would be back sooner or later. I tend to agree that the format might surface again. It's a solid quizzer and the brand name is well-known.
Others were exasperated and questioned a lot of the goofier parts of the Distraught One's commentary. Like when she said that Chris Harrison owes people an apology for cancelling Millionaire. Uh, I doubt that the axing was his idea.
The thread also included a quote from Game Show Garbage. I didn't know this, but the naysaying site once inducted Millionaire's two-season use of a clock into their Hall of Shame. Come on, the clock may not have been the greatest idea, but it was hardly horrendous. Last I checked, Jeopardy uses a clock, too. And GSG's overall commentary on the syndicated version is, as usual, way too negative. The syndie enjoyed a good long run and hardly deserves to be dismissed as nastily as Game Show Garbage buries it.
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