If any blog reader is fairly local to Amherst I recommend attending a practice. It was fast paced. The players were not standing around waiting for the next drill. A young coaching staff was involved in teaching. There was no old guy with a whistle swearing at the players. In fact there was was remarkably little cussin' at all.
The only coach I got to say a couple of words with was Jason Tudryn. Saw him play for UMass and had a couple of long talks with his dad back in the day. That had me feeling a little old.
Several of the players called me "Sir".
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Out of his jacket and tie, Coach Bell looks as if he could still catch some passes. He was rolling on the turf at one point to demonstrate a point.
I'll have some more images Monday
The BYU blog "Vanquish the Foe" ranks all 12 opponent defenses for 2019.
The San Diego News-Tribune has Andy Isabella going #90 in the third round of the NFL draft.
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