My sourpuss attitude about show biz awards is well known to readers of this blog. But even grumpy me has to admit that it's nice JMH has gotten some favorable notice in his first venture into our little genre. He has done a fine job on America Says, and Nielsen has rewarded him. The latest run of the show got more than a half-million viewers, as have many previous episodes.
A lot of fans posted congratulations on GSN's Facebook page. The show has really done well with the network's sometimes finicky viewers.
But haters are gonna hate. I mentioned the bizarro world of Game Show Forum in my previous post. So I decided to see what the oldies grumps might have to say (if anything) about the JMH news. I expected a bad reaction, and I wasn't disappointed...
He's not a host, he's a parody of a host. I would even put Wayne Brady ahead of John Michael Higgins.
I would put a bowl of runny pudding ahead of John Michael Higgins...he's an awful host of an awful show...
I'll Take STEVE Higgins over JMH. At least Steve Higgins has 'hosted' more shows.
Why am I not surprised? Oh well, the oldies grumps can go back to tracking every tiny tweak in the Buzzr schedule. The diginet probably gets 1/50th of the audience that America Says does.
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