
PLO's Saeb Erekat defends Syria's "dignity"

Saeb Erekat, secretary of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, met with diplomats yesterday in Ramallah where he complained about President Trump's decision to recognize Israel's control over the Golan.

Erekat claimed that Trump's move would increase violence, chaos, extremism and bloodshed.

He then railed against Trump's  "disregard for the dignity of the Arab people" which he says has reached an unprecedented level. "The Arab countries are being treated in an unacceptable manner. The dignity of the people can not be measured by the balance of real estate traders and deal makers. "

In other words, Saeb Erekat is defending the "dignity" of Syria, a country that has killed more Palestinians in the past eight years than Israel has. By saying that the Golan is Israeli territory, Erekat is aggrieved for the tender feelings of a Syrian regime that has killed a half million of his fellow Arabs.

This is what the honor/shame dynamic looks like. Arabs might fight each other constantly, but their dignity must be upheld to the Western world no matter what. As bad as treat each other, Arabs are still entitled to more respect and "dignity" than any non-Arab is.

Palestinians have consistently sided with the worst dictators and murderers in history. This apparently is not going to change any time soon.

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