So it's only fair that I give some space to the current incumbent, Mike Richards. A site called Marketplace asked Mike to describe what he does on TPiR. Mike mostly replied in generalities about great shows, new games and great contestants. None of which hurts a game show, no doubt.
He also mentioned game theory and talked a little about probabilities. Was this guy a math major? The idea is to avoid "a show with all losses." That would not be a terrific episode.
Mike commented that play-along value is the most important part of a game show. Well, maybe, but I can think of a lot of exceptions, especially among stunt shows. Something like Beat the Clock or Wipeout is mostly a spectator sport because the home audience, resting comfortably in the TV room, can't really play along at all.
Finally, he liked how game shows can make people's lives a little better with some cash and other goodies. Fair enough, but game shows are not charities. There are lots of losers, after all.
A ratings note. Mike will be happy that for the week of January 28-February 1 The Price is Right got its best numbers in over a year. Just don't do an ep with all losses, and Nielsen will smile.
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