It's silly to speculate about the possible contours of any reboot from just a casting call. But Fremantle looks to be super traditional with this latest effort. "Big bucks, no whammies" shouts the graphic with the call, and the little devils look just like the critters on Peter Tomarken's show all those many years ago.
Besides, I'm never shy about silly speculation. Neither is anybody else on the game show Interwebs. As I've said a few times, Press Your Luck is hardly my favorite format. Mostly it seems like a loud exercise in random button pushing.
That Larson fellow was the only guy who ever brought real brilliance to the show. And with modern randomization techniques, that famous solve will never happen again. Still, the show has a lot of pizzazz and it does not require Jeopardy-level smarts. Maybe it will make a comeback in 2019.
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