I spend my time trying to both calm down eight people and to turn each one of them into an interesting character that the audience might have fun with or recognize themselves in somehow. It's actually quite fun. I like talking to people — and we do a bunch of these a day so I meet a lot of people! I haven't done a whole lot in the non-scripted world, but I sort of took to it a bit like a fish to water and I'm really getting my groove on.
In fact, Higgins has been a surprisingly good host for somebody with no experience at all in game shows. The key ingredient is that, as he points out, he's a good talker and always quick with a quip.
In the rest of the interview he demonstrates that important talent with a long, funny story about a run of How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. The guy is a natural raconteur (warning, French!) and game shows reward such people. Not to mention that he's got a really good format to work with. He deserves prime time, and GSN has given it to him.
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