I don't want to get into the gory details of the call. Instead, I'm going to pick a tiny nit with one poster who slammed Bert Convy in the thread...
First of all, having the producers give Bert a complex explanation to say and have him do it without mucking it up sounds like a tall order. Seconds, network standards and practices were taken dead seriously behind the scenes, and they may have had to discuss with S&P during the commercial break in which they both came to the correct conclusion.
I always thought Convy was a reasonably competent host. Sure, he had his bloopers and goofs, but every game show host fluffs up now and then. But did you notice the poster's own goofs in his criticism of Bert? It should be "second," not "seconds." And the "in which" clause in the second sentence is a little out of whack.
Yeah, I know that these are tiny nitpicks. But when you're ripping somebody else for making mistakes, you better get everything right yourself. I've screwed up the same way when I've had less than kind things to say, and it's irritating as all get out.
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