Rambling around the net I found this example on Golden Road, the board for all things about The Price is Right...
Most of the seasons I've done the recap, no prize descriptions usually mentioned the gigahertz the computer produces or the computer chip in the television. All season 47 so far, both have been mentioned with regularity.
Which got me thinking that if TPiR went through everything about a computer, they might spend ten minutes on the item. If I check "Devices and Printers" on my computer's control panel, I could read off more copy than George Gray plows through in an entire episode (slight exaggeration).
Another poster on the thread agrees that Standards & Practices might want a little more info on computers given to contestants...
The prices of computers vary greatly depending on the processor manufacturer, type, and speed, as well as the hard drive type and capacity and installed memory. It could be argued (and maybe it was) that omitting this information could put a contestant at an unfair disadvantage.
Well, yeah, but do we want to bring the show to a clunking halt while George's recites a computer's processor, type, speed, hard drive capacity, and so on and so forth? This could get more detailed than a old DOS manual. (I'm dating myself.)
Such are the momentous issues that get chewed over on the game show Interwebs.
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