
Contradictions and holes in the tragic story of the Arab woman killed by a stone

The stories that Yacoub Rabi are saying about how his wife was killed do not add up, and they contradict each other.

From Reuters:
A doctor at the Palestinian hospital where Aisha al-Rawbi was brought said the 47-year-old was dead on arrival and that she had suffered a head injury. Her relatives said an autopsy was to be carried out.
The woman’s husband, Aykube al-Rawbi, 52, said he was driving by a settlement late on Friday after dark along a main road near the Palestinian city of Nablus and that he could not see who pelted the car.
“The stones came from the side where the settlement is. I could hear the people speak Hebrew, but I didn’t see them,” said al-Rawbi.
For a large stone to shatter a windshield, the car must be going at a fair speed, at least 50 kph. Can one really hear conversations and recognize the language at that speed? If the windows were open the wind would drown out any voices, if they were closed the voices would be too muffled.

More damning is that Rabi contradicts himself. He originally said, as reported above, that he could not see who threw the stones. But he told Haaretz something different:

Yakoub Rabi said that he was sure the attackers were Jews from a nearby settlement, the Hebrew daily Haaretz reported Sunday.
There were six or seven of them, you could clearly see that they were youngsters,” he said. 
From not being able to see them to knowing that there were six or seven youngsters is a pretty major contradiction.

We don't even know if the area that he claims the stones were thrown is accurate. He kept driving to the hospital so it seems entirely possible that the incident was actually Palestinian youths throwing stones, mistaking Rabi's car for Israeli, but Rabi wants his wife to be a martyr so he made up the place it occurred to be a place that Arab youth are unlikely to be.

It should be mentioned that Kfar Tapuach, the Jewish village adjacent to the Tapuach Junction where Rabi claims this occurred, does have a reputation for hotheaded youth. But it seems unlikely that they would be throwing stones on a Friday night when religious families are generally eating Sabbath dinner together.

There is now a media blackout on the investigation.

It goes without saying that whoever did this crime should be convicted of murder and punished to the full extent of the law.

(h/t Irene)

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