Un journaliste de la chaîne de télévision Vision4 a pris attache téléphoniquement avec mon porte-
parole le lundi 10 septembre dernier afin de susciter ma participation à une émission de cette chaîne.J'informe l'opinion publique que je ne me rendrai pas dans cette chaîne de télévision qui promeut la division et la haine entre Camerounais, qui méprise les innocentes populations camerounaises anglophones piégées entre le feu criminel des sécessionistes et celui des forces nationales, et tourne en dérision leur désarroi.
Je ne saurais par ma présence dans ce media, eu égard aux valeurs républicaines qui sont les miennes, cautionner la ligne éditoriale de cette chaîne qui semble ne pas s'inquiéter des conséquences désastreuses de ses accents génocidaires.
Last Monday, September 10, a journalist working for Vision4 Television made contact by telephone with my spokesman, soliciting my appearance in their political television program.
I hereby inform the national and international public that I will not go to this television station which persistently incites division and hatred between Cameroonians, despises the innocent civilian populations trapped between the criminal rebels fighting for secession and the national army forces, mocking their grief and despair.
Taking into account my republican values, I cannot by my presence endorse this channel’s editorial line which does not seem to be too worried about the disastrous consequences of its genocidal tones.
Maurice KAMTO
Last Monday, September 10, a journalist working for Vision4 Television made contact by telephone with my spokesman, soliciting my appearance in their political television program.
I hereby inform the national and international public that I will not go to this television station which persistently incites division and hatred between Cameroonians, despises the innocent civilian populations trapped between the criminal rebels fighting for secession and the national army forces, mocking their grief and despair.
Taking into account my republican values, I cannot by my presence endorse this channel’s editorial line which does not seem to be too worried about the disastrous consequences of its genocidal tones.
Maurice KAMTO

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