There's no question that Concentration, in all its many versions, is one of the top game shows ever. I ranked it #18 on my latest top fifty list, and others would no doubt place it even higher. But I'll admit that it's never been a personal favorite. The show is just a little too slow, quiet and cerebral for my taste. Too much concentrating, you know.
Buzzr has put the first half of Classic Concentration's first episode on their Facebook site. So I decided to review it as if it was a new show I'd never seen before. Sure enough, I thought the gameplay was a little too erudite and not very brisk. Of course, maybe I was just grumpy because I couldn't guess the rebus until they revealed all but four squares. The eventual winning contestant took even longer, which soothed my ego a little. She had to see the entire rebus before she nailed it.
I'm afraid the winner also crapped out in the bonus round, which at least moved a little quicker. All in all, the show certainly offers a clever format, but it's just not my cup of game show tea. I'll stick with Alex Trebek's current show, which rolls along a lot faster.
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