
Skipping along

I've mentioned before that myths and legends grow apace on the game show Interwebs.

One of the more persistent myths was that evil forces at NBC were depriving the world of Classic Concentration reruns because that's just what evil forces would do. I've pointed out that few people at NBC nowadays can probably remember Classic Concentration, much less organize an evil plot to keep gazillions of panting fans from seeing it. In fact, plenty of the show has always been available on YouTube.

Classic Concentration is coming to Buzzr next month, so maybe that myth will go into remission for a while. Other myths swirl around the famous "skipped episodes" on Match Game. Certain weeks of the best game show ever haven't been seen in a while, so Interweb posters form all sorts of ingenious conspiracy theories to explain why. With so many eps of the show bouncing around GSN and Buzzr every week and zillions of eps always available on YouTube, I couldn't care less about the famous skips. But some people do care, a lot.

One week supposedly on the skips list was the Match Game '76 eps with Anitra Ford, then a model on The Price is Right. The conspiracy theory was that Anitra wouldn't allow the eps to see the light of day due to whatever. Which is a little strange because Anitra herself said that she really enjoyed doing the show.

Anyway, Anitra's eps will apparently air on Buzzr soon. Will another myth bite the dust, at least for a while? We can only hope.

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