
09/15 Links: Ari Fuld, Israeli-American terror victim, 'lived and died a hero'; Abbas, Jordan, to sue Israel for Jewish prayer on Temple Mount?; Journalist investigates denial of pivotal anti-Semitic murder in Paris

From Ian:

PMW: Palestinian Teenage Murderers - The PA-Poisoned Generation
The PA promotes teenage- terrorism and lauds teenage “Martyrs”:
“The families of the Martyrs and their relatives find themselves proud of the Martyrdom that their children achieved with the Creator... Sixteen [12-grade students] succeeded... for death as a Martyr is the path to excellence and greatness, and the path of those who know how to reach the great victory."
[WAFA (official PA news agency), July 11, 2016; official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 12, 2016]

It was a 17-year-old Palestinian teenage terrorist who this morning stabbed an Israeli man, Ari Fuld, in the back, and murdered him at the entrance to a supermarket. Ari Fuld was 45-years-old and the father of 4.

Teenage Palestinian terror is becoming commonplace.

Below is a list of 10 Palestinian teenage terrorist-murderers from recent years. The full list of Palestinian teenage terrorists, including those who attempted murder, is many times longer.

In 2007, at a joint press conference in the US Senate with Palestinian Media Watch, then Sen. Hillary Clinton expressed her horror at Palestinian Authority education. Observing the PA messaging to its children that PMW had shown her from PA schoolbooks and children's TV, Clinton said the Palestinian Authority was "profoundly poisoning the minds of its children."

The following list of 10 Palestinian teenage terrorists and the dozens of others like them were all in PA schools when Hillary Clinton warned that their minds were being poisoned by the PA.

These Palestinian teenage murderers are part of The PA-Poisoned Generation:
JPost Editorial: New antisemitism
The Anti-Defamation League, which tracks antisemitism in the United States, has recorded a worrisome increase in anti-Israel activity on college campuses in recent years, doubling in the last year alone. Much of this is led by groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, which has grown in eight years from being on 80 campuses to having a presence today on more than 200.

As expected, Palestinian groups and several liberal journalists were swift to criticize the move as an attack on free speech, and as an attempt by Israel advocates to stifle opposition.

Criticism of Israel is legitimate. The problem is when that criticism is motivated by hate and a desire to see the Jewish state disappear. Forms of criticism of Israel have long ago turned from legitimate acts of protest to antisemitic attacks. When Israeli speakers are heckled on campuses, when Israeli products are boycotted and when students wearing stars of David or shirts with Israeli flags are attacked, this is all part of a campaign to undermine the legitimacy of the State of Israel to exist.

What this means is that universities will need to start taking responsibility for what happens on their campuses. No longer will they be able to claim that every act of protest is part of a wider freedom of speech or right to protest. What allegedly happened at Rutgers University – the case that sparked the change by the Education Department – involved an anti-Israel organization which had equated Israel and Nazis, and then proceeded to demand an admission fee to the event from students it believed were Jewish. When students reported this to the university administration though, nothing was done.

For this new policy to be enforced, it will be important for college administrators to undergo training to be able to identify acts of antisemitism that until now have been disguised as legitimate political protests. Students have the right to protest and the right to free speech but they do not have the right to endanger other students or to discriminate against them because of their religion or their political beliefs. That needs to come to an end and that is hopefully what this change in policy will do.
Journalist investigates wholesale denial of pivotal anti-Semitic murder in Paris
Halioua’s next book will be on Sarcelles, the Paris suburb where she grew up, focusing on how its once vibrant Jewish community has declined as many Jews left for safer areas due to hostility from Muslim neighbors, a phenomenon occurring in other French cities as well. One of 15 journalists and authors to write a chapter in a recently published book titled “Le Nouvel Antisémitisme en France,” she is concerned by the impact on Jews.

“While promoting my book, appearing at events with Jewish audiences, I’ve seen a lot of fear among people,” says Halioua. “French Jews are terrorized by what’s happened in recent years and they’re looking for answers. They need answers. When you see the number of French Jews leaving for Israel or talking about it, you understand the degree of pessimism about the future.” Among those is Hiloua’s mother, who left for Israel two years ago.
French Jews arriving at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel, Nov. 2, 2016. (JTA/ Courtesy of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews)

“Like many French Jews, my mother sees her future in Israel, not in France,” says Hiloua, who has visited Israel many times. “She feels as if France abandoned her as a Jew. It’s the same with many others who’ve left. It’s partly Zionism but also feeling abandoned by your own country.”

Halioua sees the plight of Jews as part of a larger problem.

“Anti-Semitism in France is also a question of the disintegration of the French model,” says Halioua. “The people who hate Jews also often hate France, too. That’s a fairly recent phenomenon. Looking at the bigger picture, you realize France itself is in danger due to this issue of anti-Semitism.”

Since that fateful phone call from Halimi’s brother 18 months ago, Halioua has thought long and hard about the murdered woman.

“The case has definitely changed me,” says Halioua. “It showed me in a difficult way that anti-Semitism is no longer theoretical. In becoming interested in this affair, Sarah Halimi’s suffering and the human dimension I confronted marked me very much. It didn’t change my view of the world or of the situation of Jews in France, but I now know it more profoundly and understand it better.”

Ari Fuld, 45, named as victim of West Bank stabbing attack
The American Israeli man stabbed to death in a terror attack in the central West Bank on Sunday was identified as Ari Fuld, a 45-year-old father of four from the Efrat settlement.

Shortly before noon on Sunday, a Palestinian teenager stabbed Fuld outside a shopping mall near Efrat, at the Gush Etzion Junction south of Jerusalem.

Despite his wounds, Fuld chased and shot at his attacker before collapsing to the ground.

Fuld was rushed to Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center in unstable condition. After resuscitation efforts failed, doctors there pronounced him dead.

The attacker was shot by Fuld and another armed civilian at the scene and taken to Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus in moderate condition with multiple gunshot wounds, hospital officials said.

The terrorist was identified as a 17-year-old Palestinian from the village of Yatta, near Hebron. His name has not yet been released.

Ari Fuld, Israeli-American terror victim, 'lived and died a hero'
Ari Fuld, an Israeli-American national murdered on Sunday by a Palestinian terrorist in Gush Etzion, was a well-known social media personality and Israel advocate.

Fuld was stabbed in the back. Despite his severe injuries, he chased after the attacker and shot him before collapsing.

Fuld will be laid to rest Sunday night at 11:30 p.m., according to the Efrat municipality.

"I want to send my sincerest condolences to the Fuld family, to the residents of Efrat and all of Gush Etzion over the shocking murder of Ari Fuld," said President of Israel Reuven Rivlin. "No one will resist terror so forcefully as Ari, who displayed exceptional courage and fought until the last moment — we too will pursue by any means the perpetrators of this attack."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu likewise praised Fuld's heroism. "With his last strength Ari fought heroically against the terrorist and prevented a graver tragedy," Netanyahu said. "He was an outstanding father to four children who fought for the truth on the side of Israeli hasbara."
US envoy mourns American-born terror victim Fuld, ‘the best of both countries’
US Ambassador David Friedman eulogized Ari Fuld on Sunday, shortly after the dual American and Israeli national was killed in a stabbing attack in the Etzion Bloc south of Jerusalem, as “a passionate defender of Israel and an American patriot” and “the best of both countries.”

Fuld, a 45-year-old American-Israeli father of four from the Efrat settlement, was stabbed in the back by a Palestinian terrorist shortly before noon on Sunday outside a shopping mall near Efrat, at the Gush Etzion Junction.

Despite his wounds, Fuld chased and shot his attacker before collapsing to the ground.

Fuld was rushed to Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center in unstable condition. After resuscitation efforts failed, doctors pronounced his death.

“America grieves as one of its citizens was brutally murdered by a Palestinian terrorist. Ari Fuld was a passionate defender of Israel & an American patriot. He represented the best of both countries & will be deeply missed. May his family be comforted & his memory be blessed,” Friedman said in a tweet.

Friedman’s predecessor, former US envoy to Israel Dan Shapiro, also expressed his “deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Ari Fuld, murdered in Gush Etzion today.”

“The attack was an outrageous act of terrorism, which should be loudly condemned by all. May Ari’s memory be a blessing and a source of comfort to his family and community,” wrote Shapiro on Twitter.

The assailant was identified as Halil Yousef Ali Jabarin, aged 17.5, from the southern West Bank village of Yatta.

According to police, the terrorist was shot by Fuld and another armed civilian at the scene. He was taken to Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus in moderate condition with multiple gunshot wounds, hospital officials said.

Fuld worked at Standing Together, a non-governmental organization that provides support to Israeli soldiers. He also described himself on his website as an “advocate for Israel, [who] speaks to communities throughout the globe.”

Fuld volunteered for military service in an IDF infantry brigade in a combat role, then served as a reservist. He was lightly injured in the Second Lebanon War.

IsraellyCool: Murder of a Hero of Israel: Ari Fuld z”l
It is with a heavy heart that I post this: my good friend Ari Fuld was today murdered by a palestinian terrorist.

He was stabbed by the terrorist, yet managed to chase and shoot him, before collapsing to the ground.

Typical Ari, a true hero of the Jewish people. Not coincidentally, his name Ari means “Lion.”

Ari and I connected through our shared love of Israel and our fellow Jews. He was a passionate advocate who loved debating those who seek to undermine us, and would always be beholden to the truth – political correctness be darned! And while my approach is slightly different (I prefer to be a bit gentler with my messaging), I always respected Ari and his devotion to the facts.

Here is just one example of Ari’s brilliance.

And I published this wonderful post of his last year. He truly wanted coexistence, but would not tolerate the murder of Jews.

Ari’s brother Hillel (who has also written on Israellycool before) is a close friend of mine and also someone who does a huge amount for Israel.
My Friend Ari Fuld, a Hero of Israel
Anything I can possibly write about Ari Fuld will be inadequate. I suspect we are granted the rare opportunity to meet and befriend such a unique soul only once in a lifetime, and I’m afraid my words will not do him justice.

Ari was larger than life. His deeds matched his words. His family, defending the Jewish people, teaching Torah and supporting IDF soldiers – that was his world.

When Ari talked, you knew you were hearing the truth, because he believed it with all his heart and soul. Even in the end – despite his critical wounds, Ari chased after the terrorist who had stabbed him, shot and neutralized him, so that the same terrorist wouldn’t harm anyone else.

He died the way he lived, a Jewish hero, a hero of Israel.

Ari and I met in Rav Bina’s Yeshivat Hakotel in 1991. We were roommates for a bit. We were drafted together into the IDF. We danced at each other’s weddings. We served together in Efrat’s Kitat Konenut counter-terrorist unit.

We talked constantly. We talked Torah, we talked about defending Israel. We talked about what it meant to be a Jew.

Anyone who has followed Ari on social media knows, Ari never seemed to sleep.
Thank you, Ari Fuld
Oh Ari. I don’t know where to begin. When we made aliyah, Matan was 4. By the time he was 5, he was already learning karate with Ari Fuld. And what a force Ari was. He was an incredible role model for everything we wanted for our little oleh. He was strong, determined, loving and capable. He taught the kids karate, but in the process he taught them self-worth, determination, love of Israel, and so much more.

Matan spent years with Ari. And then Yehuda started with him too. The lessons they learned from this brave, amazing man are endless.

And then, as my kids grew and moved on to other activities, we continued seeing Ari all the time. We would see him on Facebook meeting with tourists to discuss Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael. We would listen to his podcasts where he would discuss Israel and defend Israel over and over and over again. We would admire his Thursday night pictures at the Kotel, where he would go to recharge. And every Friday morning I would think — wow how does Ari have that much energy?

While I was tucked safely in bed, he was driving to the Kotel to be with Hashem, and to videotape his weekly trip there so that others around the world could feel that they were there with him. Every Friday afternoon, we would see his post with the Israeli flag blowing in the background outside his home. He would wish all of us a “Shabbat Shalom from the beautiful Rolling Hills of Judea Israel.”

I always turned to Ari when difficulties arose around us. When there was a rumor that the three boys who went missing in the summer of 2014 had been saved, I messaged Ari. He wrote “Just have to be patient and daven.” Then, when the bodies of the three were found, I wrote to Ari again. I begged him to tell me that it wasn’t true. In addition to information that he gave to me, he wrote, “It’s our own fault! When we start talking truth and stand up for Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael and stop talking to terrorists, this won’t happen.”

The list goes on and on.
Israeli politicians mourn 'hero' Ari Fuld
Politicians from across the political spectrum mourned terror victim Ari Fuld of Efrat as a hero, after he was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in front of a supermarket in Gush Etzion on Sunday.

"The entire People of Israel is pained at the shocking murder of Ari Fuld this morning in Gush Etzion," said Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein (Likud), who lived in Gush Etzion until recently. "Ari demonstrated rare courage, pursued the terrorist but unfortunately his strength did not last."

Fuld was a central committee member of the National Union, which ran with Bayit Yehudi in the last election. His brother, Eytan, is the spokesman for National Union and Bayit Yehudi MK Bezalel Smotrich.

The National Union's leader, Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel called the murder "a tremendous loss of a precious person, a hero who fought until his last breath to prevent other citizens from being harmed."

Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett said "Ari Fuld is a hero of Israel who saved lives as he died." Bennett said the people of Israel salute the members of the Fuld family and embrace them.

Several politicians suggested responses to the murder, including Culture Minister Miri Regev (Likud), who said that Fuld's killing should end talk of giving terrorists shorter sentences.

"Terrorists need to rot in jail," Regev said.
Guardian op-ed by Avi Shlaim on Oslo’s failure erases Palestinians entirely from the story
Guardian contributor Avi Shlaim is an Oxford University anti-Zionist “historian” who’s been roundly criticized for his shoddy research and clear political biases and has characterised Zionism as the greatest single threat to Jews, blaming Israel – and not anti-Semites – for the upsurge of antisemitism throughout the world.

Shlaim’s latest Guardian op-ed on the 25th anniversary of Oslo (“Palestinians still live under apartheid in Israel, 25 years after the Oslo accord”, Sept. 13), consistent with the denial of Palestinian agency seen in so much British media coverage of the region, manages to erase the actions of Palestinians, and the decisions of their leaders, almost entirely from the equation.

Shlaim places the blame for Oslo’s failure almost entirely on Benjamin Netanyahu, who he accuses of having ‘froze, distorted, subverted, and undermined’ the accords during his first stint as prime minister, and blocking peace talks with unrealistic demands during his second stint. What Shlaim omits can consume volumes, but, for starters, he fails to note that Netanyahu’s government advanced Oslo by agreeing to major territorial withdrawals from the West Bank under the terms of the Hebron Agreement in 1997 and the Wye River Accords in 1998.

However, even if Shlaim’s criticism of Netanyahu’s role in Oslo’s failure is on target, that doesn’t explain why he omits all facts which run counter to his desired narrative. For instance, he completely ignores the role of constant Palestinian terror and incitement – and endemic antisemitism – in the two and a half decades since the iconic handshake between Rabin and Arafat on the White House lawn. Remarkably, the word terrorism is only mentioned once, and this is in the context of Shlaim’s claim that Netanyahu denounced the 1995 Oslo 2 Accords as a “surrender to terrorists”.

Shlaim doesn’t write a single word about the 2nd Intifada, the five-year PA orchestrated campaign of violence that killed over 1,100 Israelis and arguably was the single biggest factor why much of the Israeli public soured on Oslo’s promise. Nor does the Oxford historian so much as allude to multiple Israeli offers of peace – which would have created, for the first time in history, a sovereign Palestinian state – rejected by Palestinian leaders.
Abbas, Jordan, to sue Israel for Jewish prayer on Temple Mount?
Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas announced that he will present the United Nations General Assembly with a list of issues which disturb the "Palestinian nation."

At a Ramallah meeting of the Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO) Executive Committee, Abbas said that the Central Committee will meet to discuss the next steps after his return from the US.

He also noted that the PA filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) regarding Israel's intention to demolish the illegal Bedouin settlement of Khan al-Ahmar. This plan, he said, is "dangerous" and aims to dissect Judea and Samaria.

The PA will also discuss with Jordan the "issues" surrounding Al-Aqsa Mosque, especially since Israel plans to allow Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, just as prayer is allowed at the Cave of the Patriarchs (Me'arat Hamachpelah), Abbas said.

Abbas emphasized that he plans to ask Jordan to submit to the ICC a joint complaint regarding Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount.
US expels Palestinian envoy
The US has reportedly ordered the Palestine Liberation Organization’s envoy to the US, Husam Zomlot, out of the country, following the closure of the PLO’s office in Washington DC.

According to a report by the Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen news outlet, the US cancelled visas for Zomlot and his family, closed US bank accounts, and ordered him to leave the country.

“The American authorities cancelled my visa and my family’s visa,” said Zomlot, “and closed our bank accounts. We’ve been ordered to leave Washington immediately.”

Zomlot and his family have reportedly left the country, and are en route to Ramallah, Ma’an reported.

Last week, the White House ordered the shuttering of the PLO’s mission in Washington, citing the Palestinian Authority’s refusal to return to the negotiating table.

"We have permitted the PLO office to conduct operations that support the objective of achieving a lasting, comprehensive peace between Israelis and the Palestinians since the expiration of a previous waiver in November 2017," a State Department spokesperson stated.

Prague to open ‘Czech House’ in Jerusalem as possible prelude to embassy move
A week after Paraguay announced that it was returning its embassy from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, the Czech Republic announced it would open a “Czech House” in Jerusalem in November as a prelude to moving its embassy to the capital.

The center is expected to house a cultural center, as well as offices of the Czech Republic’s trade and tourism offices.

The decision was announced by the office of Czech President Milos Zeman, after a meeting on Wednesday with the prime minister, foreign minister, defense minister and speaker of the chamber of deputies of parliament.

Zeman’s office issued a statement after the meeting held “to discuss foreign policy,” saying that the officials “were informed about the content, focus and objectives of the official visit of the president of the Czech Republic to Israel in November, including the state of preparations for the opening of the Czech House in Jerusalem. It is to be the first step with the intention to relocate the embassy of the Czech Republic to Jerusalem, in accordance with international law.”

A spokesman at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem said that Israel did “not yet” have a response to the planned opening of the new center.
Family of IDF soldier killed in Gaza vows to keep up fight for son’s remains
Leah and Simcha Goldin have been thrust into an unwanted spotlight — but all they want is finally to be able to bury their son who served in the Israeli army.

From their living room in central Israel, surrounded by books and family photos, they have waged a years-long campaign to bring back the remains of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, a soldier killed in the 2014 Gaza war.

Their efforts have received increased attention in recent weeks as mediators seek a long-term truce between Israel and Gaza’s rulers Hamas, the Palestinian terror group believed to be holding his body.

“This thing that’s in our hearts — to run around with a knife in our hearts — has been forced upon us,” said Leah, a computer scientist.

“We’re not diplomats. We’re not legal experts,” she said at her home in Kfar Saba, north of Tel Aviv.

The Goldins argue that Israel’s government has not done enough to bring back the remains of their son.
‘Terror Balloons’ From Hamas in Gaza Land in Children’s Play Area Before School Day
A children’s playground was cordoned off in Kiryat Gat on Friday morning, when police were alerted to a bunch of “terror balloons” launched from Gaza that landed in a residential play area before the start of the school day.

Sappers and security forces successfully removed the balloons, which were fitted with combustible thread that had failed to light. Incendiary balloons have become a common terror tool in Gaza, with cheaply made balloon and kite arson devices having ignited more than 8,000 acres of Israeli land since March.

It was the second incident on Friday alone, with another set of balloons connected to an explosive device being found in the Eshkol Regional Council near Gaza.

Also on Friday, Israel Defense Forces neutralized an explosive device planted next to the security fence border with Gaza, the second such device to have been discovered in the last two days. On Thursday, terrorists attempted to attack a group of IDF soldiers on the Gaza border with a pipe bomb. Troops responded with live fire against three Gazans seen creeping along the security fence.

No injuries or damage were reported in any of the incidents.

Alleged Israeli strike said to target Iranian weapons delivery in Damascus
An alleged Israeli missile strike on the Damascus airport late Saturday reportedly targeted an Iranian plane delivering weapons for pro-regime forces and Revolutionary Guards units fighting in the country’s civil war.

According to a Hadashot TV news report Sunday morning, the Iranian Boeing-made cargo plane was loaded with weapons, and had recently landed at the Damascus International Airport from Tehran.

The strike attributed to Israel also reportedly targeted several weapons storage rooms at the airport. Efforts were made to disguise the true purpose of the buildings, the report said, with some of the warehouses labeled “United Nations” or “DHL,” the international mail company, in an apparent effort to evade Israeli intelligence-gathering efforts.

Reports in Syrian media said that Russian-made S-200 air defense systems were destroyed in the missile attack.
Hours after Syria strike, Netanyahu says Israel enforcing ‘red lines’
Hours after an alleged Israeli airstrike on the Damascus airport in Syria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed the country’s policy of employing military action to prevent weapons transfers to the enemies that pose an immediate threat.

The overnight strike reportedly targeted an Iranian plane delivering weapons for pro-regime forces and Revolutionary Guards units fighting in Syria’s civil war.

“Israel is constantly working to prevent our enemies from arming themselves with advanced weaponry,” Netanyahu said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in Jerusalem. “Our red lines are as sharp as ever and our determination to enforce them is stronger than ever.”

According to a Hadashot TV news report Sunday morning, the Iranian Boeing-made cargo plane was loaded with weapons, and had recently landed at the Damascus International Airport from Tehran.

The strike also reportedly targeted several weapons storage rooms at the airport. Efforts were made to disguise the true purpose of the buildings, the report said, with some of the warehouses labeled “United Nations” or “DHL,” the international mail company, in an apparent effort to evade Israeli intelligence-gathering efforts.

The Syrian state news agency, SANA, reported late Saturday night that Israel had targeted the airport with missiles, activating air defenses, which shot down a number of the projectiles.
Syrian President: “My War Has Increased Westerners’ Education on Middle East Geography” (satire)
With an estimated 400,000 deaths and millions of displaced civilians, the Syrian War has been at the forefront of the world’s consciousness and news networks. While most have painted President Bashar al-Assad as a criminal who pushed his country to destruction, he contends his motivations to continue the war are righteous.

“Do you think anyone in the US knew where Kabul was before they went to war with the Taliban and al-Qaeda?” posed Assad. “Then after the Iraq war everyone knew about Bagdad. Heck, they learned about all the other cities like Mosul, Basra, and of course Saddam’s home city Tikrit.” He continued on to suggest that people should commend his efforts and appreciate him as a ‘global educator’

Third-Year University of Oregon student Dennis Charah agreed and said he attributes the Syrian dictator to helping him pass his Middle East geography course. “My final exam was coming up, but I couldn’t really study because I was on a Tinder hot streak,” explained Dennis. “Lucky for me I left CNN on the tube one night when I was sparking up a blunt in the living room. One test question was, “Which ancient Syrian city was known as ‘Venice of the Sands? I knew that shit was Palmrya. I passed the course by half a percent. I owe it all to the Syrian president.”

al-Assad said he was inspired by Dennis’s story and hopes to one day to extend his reach globally. “I really hope I can continue inspiring and teaching people, much like I’ve done for my own.”

Massive turnout at Manchester protest against antisemitism
In a rare display of community solidarity, more than 2,500 Jews demonstrated here Sunday against the rising tide of antisemitism in the UK, and in particular their discontent with Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Politicians from both the Conservative and Labour parties addressed the crowd, as did the UK’s Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis.

“Six months ago the outstanding decision was made by the Jewish community in London to protest in front of Parliament. Ever since, the situation has only worsened, so we felt that, as the second biggest Jewish community in the UK, it was Manchester’s turn to say enough is enough,” Raphi Bloom, co-chair of North West Friends of Israel, one of the organizers of the protest, told The Jerusalem Post.

“People from all denominations have come together in this protest,” Bloom continued, “Religious, non-religious, haredim and Reform. We are all standing together to make our voice heard.”

The protest is a show of strength in light of the developments within the Labour party, he explained. “More and more people in power feel able to express things about Jews, the Jewish community, Jewish feelings without any repercussions.”

Antisemitic attacks in the UK have reached an all-time high over the last year, with nearly four incidents registered every day.

“We won’t be told how antisemitism should be defined,” Raphi explained. “We will say what we think antisemitism is. We’re not going anywhere. The Jewish community has proudly dedicated itself and contributed to the UK for centuries. We’re not going anywhere.”
New anti-Semitism row over Labour candidate who is hoping to oust Boris Johnson as an MP
Jeremy Corbyn is facing calls to block the selection of an 'anti-Semitic' candidate as Labour's hopeful to unseat Boris Johnson.

The Labour leader was urged to intervene to prevent local party members picking Ali Milani for the coveted job of fighting Mr Johnson in his Uxbridge seat.

The row erupted after Mr Milani won through to the shortlist for the Labour nomination despite a record of anti-Semitic remarks made when he was a teenager.

Mr Milani, a vice-president of the National Union of Students, has previously sparked outrage by saying 'Israel has no right to exist'.

He has also allegedly suggested Jewish people are mean, with a tweeted reply in 2012 that read: 'Nah, you won't mate. It'll cost u a pound. #jew.'

Last night, campaign group Labour Against Antisemitism called on Mr Corbyn to intervene to block Mr Milani.

Spokesman Euan Philipps said: 'It is outrageous that a person such as Mr Milani could be selected to stand as a Labour parliamentary candidate when his appalling behaviour is on public record. He has a well-documented history of publicly making offensive comments that draw on classic anti-Semitic tropes to abuse and discriminate against Jews.'
IsraellyCool: Texas History Curriculum To Include Truth About Arab Rejectionism As Cause of Middle East Conflict
Almost buried in a report about how the Texas State Board of Education voted to remove Hillary Clinton and Helen Keller from the history curriculum of their public schools..

History curriculum in Texas remembers the Alamo but could soon forget Hillary Clinton and Helen Keller.

As part of an effort to “streamline” the social studies curriculum in public schools, the State Board of Education voted Friday to adjust what students in every grade are required to learn in the classroom. Among the changes, board members approved the removal of several historical figures, including Clinton and Keller, from the curriculum.

The board also voted to keep in the curriculum a reference to the “heroism” of the defenders of the Alamo, which had been recommended for elimination, as well as Moses’ influence on the writing of the nation’s founding documents, multiple references to “Judeo-Christian” values and a requirement that students explain how the “Arab rejection of the State of Israel has led to ongoing conflict” in the Middle East.

The vote Friday was preliminary. The board can amend the curriculum changes further before taking a final vote in November.

With so many reports showing how many US students are learning bad and untrue things, this report comes as a breath of fresh air (hat tip: Jeff)
Prominent German Jews want JNF to close account with BDS-enabling bank
The German branch of the Jewish National Fund has been swept up in a widening antisemitism scandal because it won’t immediately close its account with the Bank for Social Economy that enables a fiercely anti-Israel NGO to raise funds to boycott the Jewish state and compare Israel to Nazi Germany.

A range of German Jews who have fought over the years the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign targeting Israel in the Federal Republic urged on Thursday the JNF and its new president, Jaffa Flohr, to swiftly shut its account with the Cologne-based bank to help stymie the rise of BDS and modern antisemitism in Germany.

“I can only encourage every organization to follow the example of Keren Hayesod [United Israel Appeal] and immediately end business relations with the bank [for Social Economy] that supports BDS,” Berlin-based attorney Nathan Gelbart told The Jerusalem Post.

Gelbart has won a series of high-profile cases against pro-BDS German antisemites. He currently represents an Israeli who sued Kuwait Airways for denying him service based on his nationality at the Frankfurt airport.

In late August, the German branch of the Keren Hayesod, or United Israel Appeal – a prominent Israeli public fund-raising global organization to advance the security of the Jewish state – terminated its account with Bank for Social Economy (Bank für Sozialwirtschaft) because the financial institution refuses to shut down a bank account belonging to the hardcore anti-Israel BDS group Jewish Voice for Peace.

The branch relocated its business to a Sparkasse bank that does not support BDS.
All's fair in love, war, and in Jewish Voice for Peace fundraising
All 's fair in love, war, and in Jewish Voice for Peace fundraising, apparently.

JVP put a considerable amount of effort lobbying for the defeat of famed civil rights attorney Kenneth Marcus's appointment as Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the United States Department of Education.

Ultimately Marcus was confirmed, but JVP still holds a grudge. Enough of a grudge, in fact, to spread this whopper of a lie. Marcus is reopening an investigation regarding a 2011 incident at Rutgers University, in New Jersey. JVP falsely claims Marcus has "declared all students who support Palestinian human rights anti-Semitic", and that his motivation in declaring the event anti-Semitic was because "it included criticism of the Israeli government".

JVP lies.
Rabbi Angela Buchdahl Sounding the Alarm for Anti-Semitism
In recent weeks, anti-Semitic flyers have appeared by local synagogues. A holocaust denier appeared on Berkeley radio station KPFA. And the repugnant Institute for Historical Review has placed digital advertisements at local BART stations.

Its time for the Bay Area, and the country as a whole, to wake up.

Rabbi Angela Buchdahl of New York's Central Synagogue, one of the largest reform congregations in America addresses this issue in her Rosh Hashanah sermon posted on Facebook, detailing the mainstreaming of anti-Semitism in our everyday life.

Yom Teruah Sounding the Alarm for Anti-Semitism

Ever heard of Russell Walker?
He proclaimed: “God is a white supremacist”
and says all Jewish people “descend from Satan.”
So who is Russell Walker?
He’s the Republican candidate
for a seat in the North Carolina state legislature.
Steve West hosts a YouTube Channel where he said:
“Looking back in history, unfortunately, Hitler was right.”
West speaks of “Jewish cabals”
that are “harvesting baby parts” from Planned Parenthood.
He recently won the Republican primary
for a seat in the Missouri House of Representatives.
Billions of sterile mosquitos to eradicate Zika, malaria
Mosquito-borne illnesses, responsible for up to 750,000 deaths a year worldwide, include tropical killers such as malaria and dengue, along with terrifying upstarts like Zika, which can cause birth defects and have invaded parts of the southern United States.

Google parent company Alphabet, along with the International Atomic Energy Agency and companies and organizations including MosquitoMate and Oxitec, hope to eliminate disease-carrying mosquitos by introducing millions of sterile, non-biting male mosquitos into an infested area.

When the males mate with disease-carrying females, no babies are born. Because mosquitos have a short life, a targeted region’s mosquito population can be reduced by up to 80 percent in under a month.

Mass deploying such a mosquito-eradication system will require solutions for separating male mosquitos from the females before they’re introduced into the wild, and for safely transporting the millions of fragile mosquitos across wide distances.

Israeli startup Senecio has taken on this challenge by developing the sorting, packaging and distribution technology needed to set the plan in motion.

The Kfar Saba-based company has already received several patents for its mechanisms, which Senecio CEO Hanan Lepek tells ISRAEL21c are “indifferent to the type of mosquito and how you sterilize them.”

That’s important because there are several different sterilization methods, including genetic modification (Oxitec’s approach), using x-rays (the IAEA’s technique) and introducing a type of bacteria called Wolbachia that interferes with the mosquitos’ chromosomes (which is how MosquitoMate and Alphabet’s Debug work).
How the Beatles inspired a Yom Kippur War song of hope
In the summer of 1973, Israeli songwriter Naomi Shemer, best known for writing "Jerusalem of Gold," set out to write a Hebrew cover of the Beatles' classic "Let it Be," which frequently played on Israeli radio.

But when the Yom Kippur War broke out that October, the Beatles' hit became what Shemer later called "a jumping-off point for an entirely new song."

Shemer changed the lyrics to a prayer expressing hope for the battles to end and for IDF soldiers to return home peacefully.

The lyrics express longing for a better future, even when everything looks dark: "There is still a white sail on the horizon, facing a heavy black cloud."

Shemer wrote the song for singer Chava Alberstein, who had wanted to perform it at an event for pilots' wives.

"The Hebrew version that I prepared for her had no connection to the original, but was about the concerns and fears of the war that had broken out a day or two earlier," Shemer later wrote of the songwriting process.

At first, she kept the Beatles' tune, but her husband, Mordechai Horowitz, on a reprieve from fighting in the war said: "I won't let you waste this song on a foreign tune. This is a Jewish war, and you should give it a Jewish tune."

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