From the Simon Wiesenthal Center:
The Simon Wiesenthal Center condemns the outrageous fabrications made from the floor of the recent General Convention of The Episcopal Church by Bishop Gayle Harris of Massachusetts. In speaking in favor of a punitive measure against Israel, Harris claimed, “I was there a couple years ago on the Temple Mount. A three-year-old little boy, Palestinian, with his mother was bouncing a rubber ball. The ball happened to sort of roll away from him and go over the side down to the Western Wall,” leading to Israeli soldiers charging the Temple Mount and attempting to handcuff the child.
This is an absurd allegation. There is a high stone wall on top of the Temple Mount that blocks balls and people from going over the side. Nonetheless, Harris’ charge was met with many “aye” votes, and no challenge of her facts.
Harris also fabricated another story. “I’ve been there when a teenager, I think he was fifteen, was walking down the street and asked a military vehicle…a question… not one to the liking of those soldiers, he began to run as they threatened him, and they shot him in the back four times. He fell on the ground, and they shot him another six.” There was no such incident. Harris did not respond to inquiries about her sources. Inventing lies to suit an agenda is appropriate for Iranian ayatollahs, not Episcopal clergy.
The Wiesenthal statement was issued July 26. Bishop Harris didn't respond for a request for clarification from them, nor from an Episcopal newsletter.
Here is video of her outlandish lies:
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