To some extent it's just the usual Steve Harvey bashing. You've seen it all before on the game show Interwebs, especially the older-is-better precincts. But one poster, who must be aiming for the Nobel Prize in Steve Hate, really goes bonkers. (Or maybe he's just more honest than other posters.)
Harvey is a sexist, bigoted, kinda f----d [editorial deletion] up sort of guy. Course we know that Combs had his problems in his personal life, but he wasn't a bad person. Harvey kinda is. But the people who watch Family Feud don't really know that side of him. So production tries to hide it with the sexual references and his holier than thou approach. But the real problem is, since is he such a bigoted and hateful person, Harvey can't connect with the families like Combs and Dawson could.
Is this guy trying for canonization by the oldies boards? Even on the Interwebs this rhetoric may be a little extreme, because another poster asks (politely) for evidence of Harvey's bigotry and general evilness. (No evidence is provided.)
In fact, this attack on Harvey, beyond the empty name-calling, seems badly misplaced. I've read a zillion contestant stories from Feud, and the civvies regularly praise Steve for how well he relates to the families on the show. Okay, maybe the contestants are all lying or stupid or bought off. But sooner or later that explanation seems, let's say, unpersuasive.
One poster really nails the issue, though. Nielsens win out over Internet opinions every day. Yep, those numbers from the Nielsen Company will always beat a few dozen posters on the game show Interwebs, said Captain Obvious. As long as Harvey pleases the beancounters, Internet rips mean nothing.
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