Roger was an early victim of the Drew era - he never got along with the new host - and he currently maintains a Facebook page. Apparently, people like to post items on the page that they think might get a rise from Roger about the current state of TPiR. One of these items was a photo of an elderly couple with
Dobkowitz harrumphed that the shirts may have been a setup by The Price is Right's current showrunners. Then he took a swipe at the contestants themselves for desperately seeking selection by the contestant pickers on the show.
This set off a minor hoohah on Golden Road, with posters taking sides on whether Roger was just being bitter about his firing from TPiR. (One of the posters is named Casey, but it ain't me.) I dunno, I got laid off a couple times in my actuarial career, but I don't badmouth those employers. After all, they paid me well for years, and what would be the point, anyway?
Then again, people don't send me items with the clear intent of baiting me into badmouthing the companies that laid me off. Nobody cares about my actuarial career. Lots of people care about The Price is Right and Roger Dobkowitz's career. So I can't criticize the guy too much for dumping on the current show. It looks a little bitter, but what the hey, he's got a right to his opinion.
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