She seems to have touched a nerve.
Some gems from the article:
While in Israel she vocalised a personal declaration to seek peace, omitting, however, Israel’s routine sabotage of past peace initiatives.
Really? Like which ones? The ones where Israel doesn't get to exist anymore as a Jewish state?
Ah, "justice" where all Jews must go to Europe.
“Reasoning, mutual compromise and unity” – the central pillars of the “new method” the Baghdad-born model stresses – ignores Israel’s lack of compromise and self-serving rhetoric that has criminalised Palestinians for pursuing justice.
“Less blood more amity”, the line Idan concluded with, betrays the Palestinian struggle that rose in response to Israel’s selective violence against Palestinians sparing no one, neither old nor young.Yes, saying "less blood, more amity" indeed betrays the Palestinian preference for "more blood, no amity."
The reinvention of Idan’s image from model to cultural ambassador ignores Palestine’s own class of peace advocates and activists, and their struggle against Israel’s apartheid state. They may rightfully view Idan as a false prophet of peace and coexistence.
Please name one of "Palestine's own class of peace advocates." I'd love to know what the author considers to be peace.
(h/t Yoel)
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