Rummaging around the Buzzr Facebook page, I saw this post about Anitra Ford's turn on ABC's reboot of To Tell the Truth. Anitra was one of the original models on The Price is Right, when it was rebooted all those decades ago. So we've now got reboots referring to reboots in game show land. Some of Anitra's work on TPiR survives on YouTube, where I got the screenshot.
Turns out that Game Show Forum noted the TTTT ep, which I should have expected. There was a lot of talk about how nobody knew the rules on double showcase wins. Plus some of the usual stuff about the endless confusion between showcase showdowns and showcases themselves. If I hear any more about that issue, I'll stop posting entries about TPiR. (No, I won't. This is a full service game show blog.)
Anyway, Anitra looks great after all these years. Wish I could say the same for moi. She gets a nice entry on the TPiR Wiki.
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