Melanie Phillips: Time to leave The question the Jews of Britain and Europe must ponder
For all these members of the tribe, the idea that it may be time for the Jews to leave Britain is no more than paranoid hysteria. For other British Jews, though, the current situation is deeply, profoundly upsetting and lowering. The antisemitism is bad enough. But it’s not just the antisemitism that’s so devastating. It’s the reaction to those who call it out for what it is.Melanie Phillips: Prince William's Israel visit, Iran protests
The same people who claim to see antisemitism in European populism or the political base of Donald Trump regularly accuse Jews of claiming antisemitism just to “sanitize the crimes of Israel” or “bring down Jeremy Corbyn.”
This reaction is worse, far worse, than the antisemitism itself. It’s worse even than indifference. For it imputes to the Jews malicious intent in claiming that Jewish people are being maliciously targeted. It says they are lying. It blames the Jews for their own victimization.
This reaction is the inescapable evidence that the Jews are being abandoned. Those of us who have loved Britain for its gentleness, its tolerance, its decency, its stoicism, its reasonableness and the dampness of both its weather and national temperament feel as if we have been orphaned. But maybe we were living all along in a fool’s paradise.
Some people think Europe is over, that the demographics are against it and that it will become a majority-Muslim culture in a few decades. My guess is that Europe won’t go down without a fight. If that happens, the Jews are likely to get it in the neck from all sides. Whichever way it goes, it’s not a pleasant prospect.
So is it time to leave? It’s very personal, and I wouldn’t presume to advise anyone what to do. I can only speak for myself and say that for some years now, I’ve been spending a great deal of my time in Israel. Because even with 150,000 Hezbollah rockets pointing at us from Lebanon, even with Hamas trying every day to murder us and even with Iran working toward its genocide bomb to wipe us out, Israel is where I feel so much safer and the air is so much sweeter, and it’s where Jews are not on their knees and where no one will ever make me feel I am not entitled to live and don’t properly belong.
Israel is where we have astonishingly renewed ourselves as a nation out of the ashes of the Shoah. Israel is where all those who want us gone meet their nemesis in the political realization of the eternal people. Israel is the ultimate, and ultimately the only, definitive and triumphant repudiation of antisemitism and the true vindication of the millions of us who perished in the unspeakable events that we memorialize on Holocaust Memorial Day.
*This article is based on the Simon Wiesenthal memorial lecture which I delivered in London on Holocaust Memorial Day.
Please join me here as I discuss with Avi Abelow of Israel Unwired what actually happened when Prince William visited Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, as well as the accelerating protests in Iran and what these signify.
Dennis Prager: Donny Deutsch, Michael Hayden And The Moral Collapse Of American Jewish Institutions
If you support Trump or Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, or hold almost any traditional Jewish worldview — like God creating the human being as male and female — you must either hide your opinion or risk being ostracized at almost any non-Orthodox synagogue.The US Left is the greates existential threat facing Israel
To their credit, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Zionist Organization of America and a few other organizations did condemn those who equate America under Trump with Nazi Germany. But most Jewish organizations kept quiet, offered tepid caution or actually echoed the sentiment.
In other words, at this time many American Jewish organizations are bad for the Jews, bad for Judaism and trivialize the Holocaust in order to score political points.
If it's any comfort (and it isn't), things are no better in mainstream Protestantism or at the Vatican.
But here is real comfort: If the left keeps on smearing nearly half its fellow Americans as Nazis, it will assure more Republican victories this coming November.
There is no doubt, Iran poses a grave threat to the Jewish State, but this menace — thanks to the formidable might of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF)—does not prevent Israeli citizens from carrying on with their daily routines, and assume normal life activities.Holocaust survivor on concentration camp comparison: 'Grow up'
Unfortunately, there is a greater threat. It is relatively unremarkable at the moment, but it keeps on inching and worming forward, and once there, it would wreak catastrophic consequences on the Jewish State. This looming jeopardy could potentially become the greatest existential threat Israel has ever faced.
This greater threat is the growing clout and influence of the Far-Left movement within the Democratic Party in the US. The recent shocking upset of Octazio-Cortez’s victory in the New York Democratic Party Primary election over House Democrat Joe Crowly, has only served to underscore that fact. Ms. Cortez has been a devout supporter of Bernie Sanders, another self-hating Jew, and she has already made clear where her heart goes home for the night by voicing her negative opinion of Israel and her support for the Palestinian Arab cause.
What’s more, voices and influence of BDS and the many anti-Israel and anti-Semitic movements on campuses all over the US have been rising, and the anti-Trump crusade has been getting louder and louder as the Democratic Party’s shift to the far-left gains persistent momentum.
Holocaust survivor David Tuck and his family were deported to a ghetto in 1939. He spent the next five years in the concentration camps Posen, Auschwitz, Mathausen, and Gusen II. He was asked his opinion of recent comparisons between US immigration policy and actual concentration camps he'd experienced.200 Jews die in Cairo during summer of 1948
"In our town we only had but 18 Jewish families. First the Nazis gave us to wear yellow armbands on the left arm. Then they gave us a Star of David, one on the front and one on the back. If you walked on the street on the same sidewalk that the SS man walked, if you didn't step down they would kill you.
"If I had any piece of bread at night with me, if somebody knew about it they would steal it from me. Everybody was for themselves. Survival. There were times at night I used to go to sleep, I would say 'Please G-d, let me see the light the next day. Many times."
"They gave me a tattoo, a number. I still have it, on my arm. The Americans were bombing all the roads and the railroad; no food was coming to the camp. And I'll never forget, on May the 5th. There were more dead people in the camp in that barracks than living ones. When I saw the guns I said 'My G-d they're going to kill us,' and he said to us, 'Noon time the Americans are going to come down the mountain and you're gonna be free.'
"I didn't believe it myself, I made it. I made a commitment I'd never forget, never forgive what they did to me. But I don't live with hate."
Asked by the interviewer, "To someone who thinks that America runs concentration camps on the border, can you give them a message, as someone who experienced a concentration camp?", Tuck answers, "Grow up. You know how to spell, you know how to read, how to listen; do it. You can't compare it; any time I hear it, it's sickening."
The interviewer asks, "What about the term, when people call Donald Trump, people call other political opponents 'Nazis', what do you think about that?"
"It's sickening," answers Tuck. "It's just plain sickening. I thought we were smarter than that."
As the first Arab-Israeli war raged, the Muslim Brotherhood vented its anger and desire for revenge at the Jews of the old Cairo Karaite quarter by planting bombs. Some 200 Jews were thought to have died during the summer of 1948. Story in Haaretz:High Court Ruling Spells END for Anti-Semetic Boycott Motions in Local Government
Egypt’s Jews thought they could distance themselves from the Zionist movement. Community leaders, including the chief rabbi and the presidents of both the Cairo and Alexandria Jewish communities, publicly repudiated Zionism, and those who were active in the movement went underground.
In 1947, the government, which until then had at least nominally protested anti-Semitic actions, began to take official measures against Egypt’s Jews. Foremost of these were the Company Laws, which set quotas on the percentage of non-citizens, the country’s Jews included, that could be employed by incorporated businesses.
After Israel’s declaration of statehood, on May 15, 1948, matters deteriorated further. Jews were rounded up for Zionist activity, which was now illegal, martial law was declared, and the assets of many Jewish firms were confiscated. These official measures were accompanied by more attacks by Islamists on Jews and their property.
Hot of the Press:How Sheldon Adelson just might be turning the tide against BDS on US campuses
Landmark Case was brought to tackle ‘disguised’ BDS anti-Semitic resolutions being adopted by Councils
Leicester’s mayor, Sir Peter Soulsby, provided a witness statement admitting that the resolution not only had not been implemented, but would never be implemented only after JHRW brought the case in the High Court
Ruling raises tough questions for Mayor and Leicester Council about why it argued in the High Court that the Council had no requirement to adhere to its equality and discrimination duties to have due regard to the impact of its resolution on discrimination, harassment and community relations
A spokesman for Jewish Human Rights Watch (JHRW) said:
“Today’s ruling in the High Court amounts to an important victory against anti-Semitism and indeed all forms of discrimination.
"Whilst the appeal was rejected, the ruling has made a number of very important changes to the law which are a much bigger victory.
“The ruling brings a vital change in the law to the way in which councils can propose and discuss these controversial Boycott Motions".
“It in effect spells the end for anti-Semitic and any other discriminatory Resolutions in local government.
“In future Councils will not be able to hide behind the unpleasant excuse that because a motion is non-binding that there is no need to consider its statutory equality duty to work to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
“Leicester Council also argued that to apply the public sector equality duty to its debate on this would infringe the Freedom of Speech of Councillors. The Court roundly rejected this argument. It is clear that Councillors now have to fully understand the duty on the Council before making statements in any future debate."
In the academic year that just ended, Sheldon Adelson’s Maccabee Task Force, set up to battle anti-Israel activism on US campuses, focused on 40 of what it assessed were the schools most hostile to Israel and most intimidating to pro-Israel students. At 15 of these campuses, it had been anticipated that student governments would seek to pass BDS resolutions — resolutions demanding that their schools divest from Israel.UK Jewish leader who publicly mourned Gazans fired from leading Israel teen tour
According to David Brog, who runs the Maccabee Task Force, however, several of the expected resolutions were withdrawn. Of the 10 that were submitted, only three were passed. And of the three campuses where the anti-Israel resolutions were successful, two of them had not had student leaders participate in the Maccabee Task Force’s bus trips to Israel — a central component of its pro-Israel action plan.
The way Brog sees it, those statistics show a battle far from over. “While we had a great year, it was not a perfect year,” he wrote in a recent email summing up the year. “While we won far more battles than we lost, BDS still passed on three of our campuses.”
But they also show a battle now being effectively waged. When he and his colleagues asked their pro-Israel student partners on some of these campuses why BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) resolutions were being withdrawn, Brog told The Times of Israel in an interview, the best guess was that the Israel-delegitimizers “saw that we were better organized this year, more influential this year, and they weren’t going to win.”
Brog visited Israel late last month to attend a conference organized by the Ministry of Strategic Affairs that focused on tackling BDS and other Israel-delegitimization movements. He was an appropriate attendee. While Israel appears to be flailing in its anti-BDS efforts — the Foreign Ministry has been sidelined, and the Ministry of Strategic Affairs can’t give its money away — the Maccabee Task Force, funded by Adelson to the tune of tens of millions of dollars — would appear to be doing rather well in its mission.
Brog, the former director of the pro-Israel Christian group Christians United for Israel (and incidentally a cousin of former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak), took over as executive director of the Maccabee Task Force three years ago, since which time it has annually increased the number of campuses where it is active — from 6 to 20 to 40. In the 2017-18 academic year, its activities included bringing 746 mainly non-Jewish student leaders from 34 of these most-hostile campuses on trips to Israel.
A Reform movement youth leader in Britain who participated in a public Jewish mourning event for Palestinians in Gaza was removed as a leader of the youth group’s summer tour in Israel.IsraellyCool: Is Code Pinker Ariel Vegosen Hiding Her Anti-Israel Activities to Land Gigs in the Jewish Community?
Nina Morris-Evans was dropped Monday as a leader for the tour of the movement’s youth wing, RSY-Netzer. The Movement for Reform Judaism said the move is “in the best interests of the participants,” the London-based Jewish News reported.
Her dismissal reversed a decision taken last month, when the group said that Morris-Evans would still lead a tour despite her participation in the mid-May Kaddish for Gaza event. At the time, several dozen young people gathered outside London’s Parliament Square and recited the Jewish mourning prayer for Palestinians killed by Israeli forces during clashes on the border with Gaza as part of the so-called March of Return.
Hamas and other Gaza terror groups have since acknowledged that most of those killed were members of the terror organizations.
Morris-Evans retained her position after apologizing for describing the Palestinians’ deaths in the clashes in a subsequent op-ed for the Jewish News as “murder.” As part of her reinstatement at the time, she was required to undergo a mentoring program.
It seems from this that Vegosen is being brought in to Jewish organizations, camps, schools, synagogues and other institutions to teach about safe and respectful workplaces.Christian peacemakers’ creepy crush
Which begs the question: do any of them know about her anti-Israel activities? Because I find it hard to believe any Jewish institution in their right mind would hire someone who feels comfortable doing this at one of the holiest sites in Judaism to train people in how to create an environment that is healthy, respectful and free from abuse!
There is no mention of her anti-Israel activism on her business website, nor in the author bio to the above blog post, which seems to support the idea that the Jewish institutions employing her services have no idea about it.
Which is my main motivation behind this blog post. I am hoping the #Gamani movement and the Jewish institutions who have already employed her services – as well as those who may consider doing so – understand exactly who it is they are dealing with.
Christian peacemakers are supposed to promote nonviolence, but when they come into the presence of Palestinians who say hateful things against Israel and promote acts of violence against its citizens, some of these folks get really excited in an unwholesome sort of way. It’s creepy.UKMW prompts Indy to correct Robert Fisk’s claim on Nazi-confiscated Jewish properties in Poland
They are not as bad as the teenagers who screamed in adoration at the Beatles and the Rolling Stones during the British invasion in the 1960s, but they’re bad enough. They’re more like rock critic Jon Landau, who after attending a Springsteen concert in 1974 wrote, “I saw rock and roll future and its name is Bruce Springsteen.”
Longtime Sabeel activist Don Wagner had his Springsteen moment after meeting Yasser Arafat at the White House in 1992. In a 1993 book he co-wrote with Dan O’Neill, a co-founder of the Christian charity Mercy Corps, Wagner wrote, “Yasser Arafat is, without a doubt, the most intriguing personality in the Middle East,” and that “Both Dan and I have met Arafat and consider him a charismatic leader who is solely devoted to establishing a state for the Palestinians.” “Intriguing” and “charismatic”? That’s the type of stuff you’d see written in the pages of Tiger Beat back in the day. Like I said, creepy.
Similar fawning was displayed at the recent Christ at the Checkpoint Conference organized earlier this year by Bethlehem Bible College. On May 29, 2018, the second day of the conference, organizers affiliated brought three busloads of Christian peace activists from Europe and North America to the home of Bassem Tamimi in Nabi Saleh, an Arab village near Ramallah. The goal was to expose Christians about “nonviolent resistance in the village.”
Further, a recent New York Times article highlights how attempts by heirs of confiscated Jewish property, through private lawsuits in Polish courts, to get financial restitution take years and have proven largely unsuccessful. The article notes that Poland is currently considering restitution legislation but, even if passed, would only allow for financial compensation, and would include onerous requirements to prove eligibility – like proof of Polish citizenship. Such requirements, said the chairman of the WJRO, would “exclude virtually all Holocaust survivors.”BBC One’s ‘Sunday Morning Live’ erases a third of the royal visit
There’s no proposal being considered which would allow Jews to actually reclaim or “take back Nazi-confiscated property.”
We contacted Indy editors regarding the claim, and, after two weeks, they eventually upheld our complaint and revised the sentence to more accurately note that though Jewish citizens of Poland may “seek” restitution for Nazi-confiscated property in the courts, they do not have the right to take back the actual property, as Fisk claims.
Here’s the revised sentence:
Polish law gives former Jewish citizens the right to seek restitution for Nazi-confiscated property.
Though the correction is a substantive one, we should note that it’s still a bit misleading, as it implies that Jews have a special “right” to seek restitution. They do not. Their right to sue is the same right granted to all Polish citizens.
The July 1stedition of that programme included a papers review together with guests presented by Fletcher as “journalist and writer Christina Patterson and comedian Aatif Nawaz“.Gangsters vs. Nazis
Sean Fletcher began by erasing one-third of the itinerary of the recent royal visit to Jordan, Israel and territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority.
Fletcher: “And this week in – well – his biggest diplomatic test, Prince William became the first member of the royal family to make an official visit to the Palestinian territories. The Duke of Cambridge, who started his Middle East trip in Jordan, toured a market in Ramallah and spent a moment in quiet prayer at the holy Wailing Wall [sic] in Jerusalem’s Old City.”
Healey: “Christina – such a sensitive issue: how do you think he did?”
Patterson: “I thought he did amazingly well I must say. People tend to speak about Prince William as if he’s, you know, nice bloke, not Einstein, ehm…and, you know, that may be true but I have to say this is a diplomatic minefield and he was clearly very, very carefully briefed. But he didn’t put a foot wrong and he managed to win both sides over.”
Viewers then saw the journalist Patterson – who, as a person on record as claiming that Israelis “raze homes and build new ones on someone else’s land” and “destroy their neighbours’ crops and treat them like criminals” may not have been the most objective commentator on Israel related topics that the BBC could have come up with – make the following pseudo-legal pronouncement:
Patterson: “I think one or two people have said oh, he shouldn’t have talked about the occupied territories. Well they are the occupied territories – that was just factually and legally accurate.”
Emboldened by Hitler’s rise to power in Germany in 1933, and fueled by the Great Depression, anti-Semitism increased throughout the United States, and over 100 anti-Semitic organizations sprung up across the country. They had names like the Friends of the New Germany (Nazi Bund), the Silver Shirts, Defenders of the Christian Faith, the Christian Front, and the Knights of the White Camellia, among others. Protected by the constitution’s First Amendment, they held public rallies, paraded through the streets in their uniforms carrying Nazi flags, published scurrilous magazines, and openly flaunted their hatred for Jews. American Jews were intimidated and frightened. Fearful of stirring up even more anti-Jewish sentiment, the American Jewish establishment’s response was often tentative and cautionary. They worried that what happened in Germany, home to Europe’s elite Jewish community, could easily happen in America. One group of American Jews who had no compunctions about meeting the anti-Semites head-on were Jewish gangsters. Not bound by conventional rules and constitutional legalities, they took direct and violent action against the Jew haters.Suspect arrested for spraying swastikas at Amsterdam Jewish cemetery
Nazi Bund rallies in New York City in the late 1930s created a terrible dilemma for the city’s Jewish leaders. With 20,000 members, the Nazi Bund was the largest anti-Semitic group in the nation. They organized large public rallies and marched to drumbeats wearing brown shirts and swastikas, and carrying Nazi flags. Jewish leaders wanted the meetings stopped, but could not do so legally. Nathan Perlman, a judge and former Republican congressman, was one Jewish leader who believed that the Jews should demonstrate more militancy. In 1935, he surreptitiously contacted Meyer Lansky, a leading organized crime figure born on the 4th of July, and asked him to help. Lansky related to me what followed.
Perlman assured Lansky that money and legal assistance would be put at his disposal. The only stipulation was that no Nazis be killed. They could be beaten up, but not terminated. Lansky reluctantly agreed. No killing. Always very sensitive about anti-Semitism, Lansky was acutely aware of what the Nazis were doing to Jews. “I was a Jew and I felt for those Jews in Europe who were suffering,” he said. “They were my brothers.” Lansky refused the judge’s offer of money and assistance, but he did make one request. He asked Perlman to ensure that after he went into action he would not be criticized by the Jewish press. The judge promised to do what he could.
Dutch police said it has apprehended a man accused of drawing swastikas on a wall of the capital’s oldest Jewish cemetery.Skewed focus in study of German anti-Semitism
The incident happened Saturday in the Zeeburg area of Amsterdam, the AT5 television station reported. Police would not reveal the suspect’s identity or what they say his motives were for painting the Nazi symbol on the external wall of the 300-year-old Zeeburg Jewish Cemetery.
Throughout Europe, perpetrators of vandalism against Jewish cemeteries and monuments are seldom caught.
In 2013, the Zeeburg cemetery was reopened after nearly 70 years of neglect with the help of a few dozen Moroccan and Jewish youths who volunteered to renovate and clean up the area. Some 175,000 Jews are buried in the cemetery, located in the eastern part of the capital.
Along with other volunteers referred by the city of Amsterdam, the youths painted over graffiti-covered walls, cut overgrown grass and weeds, and helped restore some of the paths that crisscross the site.
Any realistic study on anti-Semitism in Germany should conclude that migrants from Muslim countries have more anti-Semitic attitudes and disproportionately to their size in the population commit more extreme anti-Semitic acts than native Germans. This is in line with the situation in the world, where by far the most extreme anti-Semitic incitement --- some of it genocidal --- stems from parts of the Muslim world.Israeli Startups Raise $850 Million in June; On Pace to Break Record of $5.24 Billion Set in 2017
The reputable Allensbach Institute has published a study whose findings can only be read behind the paywall of the important daily, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). It contains interesting data, but does not address the key issue mentioned before and is thus misleading.
One of the study’s graphs shows that among supporters of the extreme right-wing party AfD, 55% are of the opinion that Jews have “too much influence in the world.” Regarding the other five parties represented in the German parliament, this figure varies between 16% and 20%.
However, right wing anti-Semitic prejudice does not explain the fact that some Jewish schoolchildren are severely harassed by Muslim children. The threats of a Muslim classmate against a Jewish girl in a second grade Berlin elementary school class is a case in point. He said that she should be killed because she does not believe in Allah.
The firebombing of a synagogue in Wuppertal in 2014 was carried out by three Palestinians. The court said that this was not anti-Semitism but an act of protest against Israel. It condemned the arsonists to a fine and suspended sentences.
Israeli startups raised around $850 million in June, according to Globes, Israel’s financial daily, closing another solid month of fundraising.Rescuers working to save boys in Thai cave rely on Israeli tech
So far this year Israeli start ups have raised an estimated $3.3 billion in the first six months of the year according to figures from IVC-ZAG and company press releases, and are on course to beat last year’s record of $5.24 billion, Globes reported.
This month’s biggest deal came on June 27, when Landa Digital Printing of Rehovot announced the completion of a $300 million equity financing led by two German firms owned by entrepreneur Susanne Klatten: private investment firm SKion and specialty chemicals group ALTANA, an already-existing shareholder. The latest investment is in addition to more than $400 million previously invested by founder Benny Landa and ALTANA in Landa Digital Printing.
This may have been the largest deal, but there were also many other significant rounds during the month.
News of the boys' survival sparked jubilation in a nation that has been gripped by the harrowing drama.Ben & Jerry’s celebrates 40 years in Israel with free ice cream
Two British divers with strong experience in cave rescues, John Volanthen and Rick Stanton, were the first to reach the boys, according to Bill Whitehouse of the British Cave Rescue Council.
Along with a team of Thai navy SEAL divers, they found the group.
The boys have received high-protein liquid food, officials said Tuesday, though it is not known when they will be able to leave the cave, as the flooding requires them to dive in order to emerge.
Search and rescue teams taking part in the efforts to save the missing team have been relying on advanced communications systems donated by Israeli company MaxTech Networks.
MaxTech CEO and founder Uzi Hanuni told Israel Hayom on Monday that the rescue teams had approached the company's representative in Thailand seeking assistance.
Hanuni said Thai authorities approved the purchase of the MaxTech system, but he had instructed the representative to provide it for free.
"There's a guy by the name of Assaf who lives in Thailand and he markets our systems," Hanuni said. "They approached him and said they want them. The systems facilitate communication in areas without reception. We gave them our devices and they took them into the cave. This is our Israeli contribution. We did it voluntarily."
Kids at Rabinovich Garden (Gan HaMifletset) had a special surprise this weekend: free ice cream.Michael Lumish: The Happiness of the Israeli Defense Forces
An event celebrating Ben & Jerry’s 40th year in Israel was the third stop in Ben & Jerry’s self-proclaimed “Birthday Tour,” which stops in various cities across the country.
Ben & Jerry’s sampled two of its newest flavors, Boom Chocolatta! Cookie Core — a mix of mocha and caramel ice creams with chocolate cookies, fudge flakes and a chocolate cookie core — and Cookies & Cream Cheesecake Core — chocolate and cheesecake ice creams with chocolate cookies and a cheesecake core.
The ice cream line curved all the way around the playground in the park and attracted around 400 visitors.
Maor Rubinstein, who lives in the nearby neighborhood, said he waited in line for about 20 minutes.
Rubinstein, like many others, came mostly to get free ice cream for his three-year-old son.
The Jewish people in the Middle East are a people under siege. For thirteen hundred years, from the time of Muhammad until the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the indigenous Jews lived as second and third-class non-citizens under the boot of Arab and Muslim imperial rule. And, now, upon securing their freedom - and thus, in some measure, the freedom of all Jewish people everywhere - they are set upon by constant warfare.Home Breast Self-Exam Device Developed by Israeli Wins $360,000 WeWork Award
Decade after decade, from the early twentieth-century until the early twentieth-first.
There are three hundred to four hundred million Arabs in the Middle East and about six million Jews. The Arab leadership, both political and religious, make no secret of their delicious genocidal ambitions. They scream malice from the hillsides on a daily basis and, yet, are still funded by morally self-righteous western-progressives who do not even believe, despite three thousand years of historical evidence, that the Jewish people are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel.
So, those young guys in the video above are Israeli Jews who are forced into the military by their Arab and European enemies because otherwise their entire civilization will, yet again, get knocked out. That could very easily mean the death of their own families and children.
So, my question is, how does the weird and wonderful video emerge from Israeli Jewish culture?
Furthermore, how is it possible that the Jerusalem Post can report that according to the UN annual World Happiness Report that Israel is ranked eleventh in the world in terms of "happiness"?
The Jerusalem-based MonitHer home breast-exam system won the $360,000 grand prize at the WeWork Creator Awards on June 20, which was attended by 5,000 people.Watch live: US Embassy in Israel celebrates 242nd Independence Day
The handheld ultrasound system enables women to monitor their own breast tissue for abnormalities within 10 minutes in the comfort of their own homes, utilizing artificial intelligence and cloud technology to detect potential anomalies. MonitHer can be used once a month, much more frequently than mammograms and with greater ease.
The new device was developed by American immigrant to Israel Yehudit Abrams, who researched ultrasound technology while completing her post-doc at NASA prior to making aliyah.
The second place in the Business Venture category went to SensPD, a device and method to detect autism based on physiological factors. The company was awarded $180,000.
Third place went to TETHYS, which is developing technology to create low-cost, modular water-desalination plants fueled by solar power.
The 242nd U.S. Independence Day Celebration took place at the Avenue Convention & Events Center at Airport City.Minister: It's official - More Jews in Israel than US
The event included remarks by U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
The U.S. Naval Forces Band Flagship performed, followed by a performance featuring Maestro Nir Brandt.
US ambassador to Israel David Friedman said during his address: "For the first time in its 242-year history, the United States of America is proud and grateful to receive happy birthday wishes from its embassy in Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Israel."
The ambassador noted that the celebration was attended by Stuart Force, the father of US army veteran Taylor Force, who was murdered in a terrorist attack while vacationing in Tel Aviv in 2016.
"The Force family was devastated by the senseless loss of their brilliant son. But when they discovered that American financial aid to the Palestinian Authority was being used to pay a reward to the family of the terrorist who murdered their son, that sadness turned into justifiable anger," Friedman said.
Israeli Jews now constitute the largest Jewish community in the world, a government minister said Monday, surpassing the American Jewish community by nearly one million people.Bernard-Henri Lévy: The Honor of Israel
Since World War II, the United States has been home to the world’s largest Jewish community. Numbering some four million people at the outbreak of the Second World War, the American Jewish community grew rapidly in the immediate post-war era, rising to five-and-a-half million by 1970.
From then on, however, declining birthrates and a surge in level of assimilation slowed the growth of the American Jewish community. While the precise number of Jews is difficult to discern, and depends heavily on the methodology used and definition of Jewishness adopted, the Jewish population of the US is believed to have peaked between the early 1990s and early 2000s at roughly six million, before going into decline.
By contrast, the Jewish population of Israel has increased steadily since the establishment of the state in 1948, rising from some 650,000 in 1948 to 1.8 million a decade later. By 1980, there were 3.2 million Jews living in Israel, rising to 5.8 million by 2010.
According to official numbers collected by the Israeli government and provided by Immigration Minister Sofa Landver, some 5.7 million Jews now live in the US, compared to 6.6 million in Israel.
These combats for humanity that you and me, each of us, must assume, also because we are Jews, it is always under the iron eye of our accusers that we have to fight them.
We can even smile at him just like we see the young Jew smiling at the Nazi who is cutting off his beard in the photo chosen by Benny Levy for the publication of the translation, by his wife Leo, of his book, Celebration dans la tourmente.
If he is smiling it is because he knows that he will not concede.
And, not satisfied just not to yield, he knows that he will triumph – as it is said in the Midrash: isn’t the lineage of Jacob compared to a lofty flame, ardent and burning for long, while that of Amalek is similar to a procession of camels entering the village carrying bundles of straw who, upon contact with the first spark, are set ablaze in an instant and leave nothing?
Thank you, again, for this kavod.
This honor, and thus its weight, has a paradoxical effect, you see, to make me feel light at the same time as filling me with gravity and a sense of duty.
Thank you.
I am brimming with joy to join with you in our common cause!
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