Answering the question "Do you think that there is corruption in PA institutions of the Palestinian Authority? " 78% said "yes."
But it goes beyond financial or similar corruption. The people are frightened of their own government, as in all autocracies.
In answer to the question "In your view, can people in the West Bank today criticize the authority
without fear?" an astonishing 65.% of those living under that authority answered "no."
If the PA is corrupt and citizens are afraid to say anything against it out loud, then what kind of a state would it become?
Moreover, if citizens are afraid to critcize their leadership, what does that indicate about the Palestinian media's freedom to criticize Abbas and the PA? Doesn't this indicate that their media isn't free and therefore their reporting should be considered anything but objective?
Yet the Western media will report what the PA media (which often copies and pastes articles from the official Palestinian news agency) says without any caveats.
The entire system of getting accurate information from the PA- and Hamas-controlled territories is inherently broken. And no one wants to talk about it.
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