Which movies do college students watch in Jeopardy's green room? The show put out a time-lapse video of all the activity in the room during a long day of college tournament tapings. The video squeezes down hours and hours to about a minute and a half of highly sped-up activity.
From the fleeting images on the movie screen in the room, the board guesses Easy A, Princess Bride and the first Iron Man. I'm not a movie buff, so I'll take their word. There's also some hurry-up lunch footage, for people who like to watch other people eat (speedily).
With all the college kids milling around, albeit in extreme quick-time, the Jeopardy green room looks like a lounge at the student union. The scenes vaguely remind me of my ancient days at Ohio State. Except we didn't have flat-screen TVs back then. Those were the Dark Ages of college life.
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