
Death and you know what

As a zillion stories in Google News have blared, HQ gave out a quarter-mill prize last night.

The online game show is flush with cash right now, after landing ad deals and venture capital. So yesterday they spread the wealth around to twelve lucky winners of the big prize. That means $20,833.33 apiece, if you ignore rounding on the pennies. (What do they do with those fractions of a cent, anyway?)

More than 2.3 million HQ-ties vied for the prize, but only the non-dirty dozen survived the quizzer gauntlet. Let's hope there were no cheating tricks. To spoil the fun, Money reminded us that game show winnings are taxed like usual income. The twenty grand for each winner last night will generate a significant amount of income tax, though not the $92,500 bill that Money estimated for a possible single winner.

At least the winners don't have to face the other inevitability. Not yet, anyway.

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