
03/10 Links: Putin suggests ‘Jews with Russian citizenship’ behind US election interference; Dershowitz: What Is a "Refugee"? The Jews from Morocco versus the Palestinians from Israel

From Ian:

Putin suggests ‘Jews with Russian citizenship’ behind US election interference
Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with the NBC network over the weekend that Russians who sought to influence the results of the 2016 presidential elections could have been “Jews, but with Russian citizenship.”

In the interview, a full transcript of which was released by the Kremlin on Saturday, the Russia president said “I do not care at all, because they do not represent the government.

“Maybe they are not even Russians, but Ukrainians, Tatars or Jews, but with Russian citizenship, which should also be checked; maybe they have dual citizenship or a green card; maybe the US paid them for this. How can you know that? I do not know either,” he said.

Putin insisted such efforts could not be tied to the Kremlin.

“Why have you decided the Russian authorities, myself included, gave anybody permission to do this?” Putin asked in the often-combative interview.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is conducting a wide-ranging investigation to determine whether President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Moscow to help elect him.

Last month Mueller indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies for allegedly backing Trump’s campaign, maligning his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and engaging in other election interference.
Alan M. Dershowitz: What Is a "Refugee"? The Jews from Morocco versus the Palestinians from Israel
Approximately the same number of Jews were displaced from their Arab homelands during this period. Nearly all of them could trace their heritage back thousands of years, well before the Muslims and Arabs became the dominant population. Like the Palestinian Arabs, some left voluntarily, but many had no realistic choice. The similarities are striking, but so are the differences.

The most significant difference is between how Israel dealt with the Jews who were displaced and how the Arab and Muslim word dealt with the Palestinians who had been displaced by a war they started.

Israel integrated its brothers and sisters from the Arab and Muslim world. The Arab world put its Palestinian brothers and sisters in refugee camps, treating them as political pawns — and festering sores — in its persistent war against the Jewish state.

It has now been 70 years since this exchange of populations occurred. It is time to end the deadly charade of calling the displaced Palestinians "refugees." Almost none of the neatly five million Arabs who now seek to claim the mantle of "Palestinian refugee" was ever actually in Israel. They are the descendants — some quite distant — of those who were actually displaced in 1948. The number of surviving Arabs who were personally forced out of Israel by the war started by their brethren is probably no more a few thousand, probably less. Perhaps they should be compensated, but not by Israel. The compensation should come from Arab countries that illegally seized the assets of their erstwhile Jewish residents whom they forced to leave. These few thousand Palestinians have no greater moral, historic or legal claim than the surviving Jewish individuals who were displaced during the same time period seven decades ago.

In life as in law there are statutes of limitations that recognize that history changes the status quo. The time has come – indeed it is long overdue – for the world to stop treating these Palestinians as refugees. That status ended decades ago. The Jews who came to Israel from Morocco many years ago are no longer refugees. Neither are the relatives of the Palestinians who have lived outside of Israel for nearly three quarters of a century.
Melanie Phillips: The Right Is Sticking by What They Think Is Right
Although Women’s March leaders said Farrakhan’s statements were “not aligned with the Women’s March Unity Principles,” other progressives have supported Mallory. New York Civil Liberties Union executive director Donna Lieberman called her “a fearless fighter against racism.”

According to The Daily Caller, at least seven Democrats had meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, with Rep. Danny K. Davis calling him an “outstanding human being.” And in 2013, Democratic National Committee Vice Chairman Keith Ellison, who worked for the Nation of Islam for 18 months (although he subsequently damned its antisemitism), dined with Farrakhan and Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani when the latter visited the United Nations in 2013, and was said by Farrakhan to have dined with him again in 2016.

In Britain, transgender activist Munroe Bergdorf was appointed by the Labour Party as an adviser on LGBT+ issues, even though the previous year she had made a number of offensive comments, including claiming that all white people were racist and calling the suffragettes “white supremacists.” When this was revealed in the press, it was another week before she resigned.

Not surprising: Such black-on-white racism is common on the left. And its open antisemitism is now a running sore. This week, the Labour Party launched an investigation into claims by the blogger David Collier that party members posted antisemitic comments on a closed Facebook group run by Palestinian activists, which included discussions of conspiracy myths about the Rothschilds and supposed Israeli involvement in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, as well as links to material produced by neo-Nazi groups.

Trump and Netanyahu supporters may hold their noses for the greater good. But on the left, bad people are supported because the left believes bad things.

Dry Bones, December 20, 2015

Britain's Massive Charity Scam
"The exploitation is so widespread that some Syrian women are refusing to go to distribution centres because people would assume they had offered their bodies for the aid they brought home", the BBC explains quoting a new UN report on the humanitarian abuses.

More than half the humanitarian donations from the United Kingdom to Syria through small NGOs have ended up in the hands of ISIS and other jihadist groups, according to the think-tank Quilliam Foundation. In this way, millions of pounds, thanks to the generosity of British taxpayers, have fallen in the hands of terror groups.

Fatiha-Global, which should have brought help to Syrian refugees fleeing the war, instead diverted the funds to the Islamic State, the very terror group which had caused the refugee crisis to begin with. To top it off, the head of Fatiha-Global, Adeel Ali, was photographed with the jihadists of the Caliphate -- the same jihadist group that beheaded British volunteer Alan Henning, who had come to Syria on behalf of the subsidiaries of Fatiha.
DOJ Denies Victims Of Palestinian Terror Their Chance To Be Heard Before Supreme Court
On Wednesday, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) fiercely criticized Department of Justice Solicitor General Noel Francisco, who decided not to challenge an appeals court ruling that denied American victims of Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority terrorist attacks from presenting their case to the Supreme Court on jurisdictional grounds.

The case in question, Mark Sokolow v Palestinian Liberation Organization/ Palestinian Authority, dates back to 2004, when the victims filed a lawsuit against the PLO and the Palestinian Authority for aiding and planning terrorist attacks in Israel between 2001 and 2004, as Sara Carter reports. In 2015, a jury voted unanimously to award the victims $655 million to the victims.

But then the PLO and Palestinian Authority appealed the decision to the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which reversed the original verdict.

In April 2017, the U.S. House of Representatives filed a brief asserting that the case should indeed be heard in the Supreme Court.

ZOA National Board Member David Schoen, who represented the plaintiffs during the pretrial stage, echoed, “It is both shocking and sad that the Solicitor General has taken a position in this case that supports the untenable position of terrorists and that, if successful, will deny justice to the many American families who are suffering through tremendous tragedy as a result of the terrorism perpetrated and supported directly by the PLO and PA.” He added, “The Solicitor General’s position is a slap in the face to the many members of the House and Senate who filed their own amicus briefs, urging the Supreme Court to review the Second Circuit’s decision because it nullifies the (Anti-Terrorism Act) goals to afford terror victims a much-needed legal remedy and to deter international terrorism."
Giving Islamic racism a pass
Shockingly, this is not some obscure accusation from generations ago in Europe, but a statement from an article written just last week by Dr. Mustafa Al-Lidawi, a former Hamas official, while in Israel we celebrated the Jewish holiday of Purim. The Ma’an News Agency—“the largest independent TV, radio and online media group in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,” according to its own website—found it appropriate to publish this in an article it ran about the Jewish holiday which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from the evil Persian Haman.

This medieval blood libel was brought to readers courtesy of the news agency’s generous Western sponsors. On its website, the agency gives special thanks to two countries in particular: “MNA was launched with generous funding from the Danish Representative Office to the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) and the Netherlands Representative Office to the P.A.”

One cannot help but wonder whether this was the kind of “news” that Denmark and the Netherlands had in mind when they helped launch the agency in 2005.

According to NGO monitor, MNA is funded (last available figures are from 2014) by Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United States, among others. In 2016, Ma’an Television Network received €427,200 (roughly $500,000) from the European Union for “Leveraging Media Initiatives to Promote Participatory Engagement in the Peace Process.” Ma’an Network received £730,000 (roughly $1 million) in 2015-17 from the United Kingdom as part of a “multimedia project to raise awareness of, and seek to prevent, violence against women and girls.”

Western European nations, claiming to be against all forms of racism and supremacism, lavishly fund Muslim Jew-hatred. It makes for a special kind of irony when that lavish funding helps promote old European blood libels.

Christians imported the old European blood libels into the Middle East, but Muslims adopted them with rather fervent enthusiasm, as evidenced in present times by not only Al-Lidawi’s article, but also the behavior of Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas himself. In June 2016, Abbas gave a speech to the Parliament of the European Union in Brussels, where he falsely claimed that “certain rabbis in Israel have said very clearly to their government that our water should be poisoned in order to have Palestinians killed.”

The members of the European Parliament thanked Abbas for this new take on an old European tradition by giving him a standing ovation.
Anti-Semitism fatigue is now a normal part of British politics
How did it come to this? Here we are, in 2018, in modern, democratic, fair-minded Britain, and what happens when it turns out the leader of the Labour Party was a member of a secret Facebook group awash with anti-Semitic comments? Not a lot really.

As the political editor of the Jewish Chronicle, I have been writing about Jeremy Corbyn’s associations with anti-Semites, Holocaust deniers and radical clerics since long before he became leader of the opposition. I have also lost count of the number of stories I have written on Labour MPs, councillors, activists and supporters linked to Jew-hate since the summer of 2015.

When I saw the work of David Collier – an unassuming, quiet, personable researcher – on Wednesday morning, I have to admit, even I reacted with a shrug. His exposé of hundreds of offensive and anti-Semitic posts from the Palestine Live Facebook group uncovered the sort of material I have seen countless times before from such collectives – how the Rothschilds ‘invented the Holocaust hoax’, Mossad carried out the 9/11 attacks, and an article titled ‘why the Jews are the unrepentant destroyers of all that’s decent on the planet’.

Except this time there is one key added feature – not just the presence, but the active participation, of Mr Corbyn. Cue media scrum, right? Wrong.

First the Jewish media covered it online. Some commentators picked it up, and by Wednesday evening there were the first national newspaper pieces, tucked away inside. But since then there has been little further coverage and little further reaction – from Labour moderates, the Tories or anyone else – aside from the usual Twitter storm. Certainly by this lunchtime, more than 48 hours after the story broke, I have seen no sign of any coverage on mainstream BBC or ITV television news bulletins.
The leaders of the American Women’s March have spoken: Jews are unwelcome on the feminist left
Honestly, what calamities aren’t the Jews responsible for?

I’m not about to argue that my people are the most maligned in history, but it’s safe to say we are the most creatively maligned.

Not only are we allegedly responsible for the death of Christ, the Black Plague and 9/11, we are also believed to have found time in our extremely busy, evildoing schedules to fake the moon landing, kill Kennedy, train a dolphin to spy on Hamas (that one I actually wish were true), and, according to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, “control agencies of government” like the FBI.

Farrakhan isn’t just the leader of a recognized hate group; he is obsessed with Jewish conspiracy theory. In fact, I could fill an entire column with hateful, inane things Farrakhan has said about my people, but I’ll settle on just one. The following is a statement from a rambling anti-government, anti-Semitic speech he gave at his group’s annual “Saviours’ Day Address” late last month.

“White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through.”

The Nation of Islam leader has a lot of unkind things to say about LGBTQ people, too, namely that we have a “psychological chemical imbalance” — but Jews appear to be his primary target. In his mind we are responsible for “all of this filth and degenerate behaviour that Hollywood is putting out turning men into women and women into men.”

As a double degenerate in his books (being a gay Jew), all of the above makes me angry.

But I’m less angry with Farrakhan, whose anti-Semitism is predictable.

I’m far angrier, the week of International Women’s Day, with a less predictable foe.

I am angry with the leaders of the American Women’s March: women who preach “intersectional feminism” but who refuse to condemn the man quoted above. Worse, who embrace him. I’m referring to leading feminist activists Tamika D. Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour.
Democrats Called Out For Connections To Racist, Anti-Semitic Leader. Here Are Their Responses.
As The Daily Wire reported, amid mounting criticism, the Women's March finally issued a tepid statement Tuesday declaring what they described as a commitment to "fighting oppression" in all forms, including "anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism and white supremacy." Though the group said Farrakhan's "statements about Jewish, queer, and trans people are not aligned with the Women's March Unity Principle," they, like most of the Democratic lawmakers under fire, did not outright disavow the black nationalist leader.

On the same day, the Republican Jewish Coalition provided a list of seven Democratic members of Congress who have at some point met with or had ties to Farrakhan during their tenure and demanded their resignations: Reps. Andre Carson (D-IN), Danny Davis (D-IL), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Al Green (D-TX), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Gregory Meeks (D-NY), and Maxine Waters (D-CA).

On Thursday, Reps. Meeks and Lee tweeted statements condemning Farrakhan's anti-Semitic comments, while Davis, after recently praising Farrakhan as an "outstanding human being" and saying he has no problem with how he addresses the "Jewish question," finally condemned him on Thursday in a statement to Forward. (See their responses below.)

But the other House Democrats have yet to issue even as tepid statements as their peers. Carson refused to specifically condemn Farrakhan, issuing a general denunciation of hateful speech and simply saying that he doesn't always see "eye to eye" with those with whom he meets, like Farrakhan. "Racism, homophobia, islamophobia [sic], anti-Semitism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance have no place in our civil discourse," he said Thursday, Politico reports. "As a Member of Congress, I have met with a diverse array of community leaders, including Minister Farrakhan, to discuss critical issues that are important to my constituents and all Americans. While many of these leaders have long track records of creating positive change in their communities, this does not mean that I see eye to eye with them on all beliefs or public statements."
WATCH: Democrat Congressman Defends Meeting Farrakhan By Attacking Jews
On Friday, Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) admitted to meeting with radical Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan in the past and then appeared to defend himself by attacking Jews.

Fox 59 anchor Angela Ganote asked Carson to address the scandal and the Republican Jewish Coalition's call for him and six other Democrats to resign for meeting with Farrakhan, who has openly praised Hitler in the past.

Carson responded by attacking the Republican Jewish Coalition, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Israel's government.

"That organization doesn’t have any credibility with me. I know they have a political agenda," Carson replied. "The Congressional Black Caucus is asking that organization to condemn Benjamin Netanyahu and the government for discriminating against Africans who are migrating, who are fleeing dictatorships, who are fleeing oppression. There’s a great deal of bigotry and racism happening right now that they failed to condemn."
WATCH: Valerie Jarrett Compares Democrats Meeting With Farrakhan With Meeting With Koch Brothers. Meghan McCain Smacks Her Down.
Jarrett responded by actually defending Mallory, saying that working with Farrakhan for the Left was the same as the Right working with the Koch brothers:
Part of learning to be a leader effectively is that you have to use your voice, and you have to be very clear. Now you work with people all the time with whom you disagree. Goodness knows, I met with the Koch brothers when we were working on criminal justice, or Rupert Murdoch when we were working on immigration reform, but you have to, if you want to lead an inclusive movement, you have to be clear on hate, and you have to be against it every single time.

So far, so good. But then Jarrett was asked about meeting with people like Farrakhan — and refused to rule it out:
No, as I said, if you’re trying to get things done, meeting with somebody is one thing, but associating yourself with his hateful rhetoric… She should speak firmly against it, and I think she should have earlier. But you know, she’s learning to be a leader, she’s young…and it doesn’t take away from the movement.

Which prompted McCain to smack Jarrett down:
But the Koch Brothers and Ruport Murdoch are nowhere near anyone who said ‘Hitler was a great man,’ ‘white folks are going down' … There's a very big difference between meeting with someone who ideologically has a different opinion and perspective and someone who thinks that Hitler was a very great man….I think it's dangerous to say that the Koch Brothers or Rupert Murdoch are in anyway the same as Louis Farrakhan. There's a difference between meeting with someone I think is a hate leader…I wouldn't meet with David Duke.

Sally Kohn Defends Tamika Mallory For Her Devotion To Farrakhan. Then Her Hypocrisy Is Exposed.
And now for the latest demonstration of hypocrisy from CNN’s own Sally Kohn. On Friday, she defended national co-chair of the Women’s March Tamika Mallory after Mallory was slammed for being a devotee of the vehemently anti-Semitic and racist leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan:

Kohn’s hypocrisy was soon laid bare for all to see:

Not that Kohn has a knee-jerk response to any attack on a leftist woman, or anything like that. Or any loyalty to the Jewish people from whence she came . . .
John McDonnell and Labour implausibly attempt to explain away Jeremy Corbyn’s membership of antisemitic Facebook group
The Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, implausibly claimed on Sky News that Mr Corbyn left as soon as he became aware of the group’s antisemitic content, but Corbyn’s team even more impausibly claimed that Mr McDonnell was “not right” and that Mr Corbyn had not seen any antisemitic content in the group prior to leaving it.

The screenshots from the group catalogue exchanges between a veritable Who’s Who of antisemites, showing members of the group discussing whether they prefer the term “ZioNazi” to “JewNazi’, and even neo-Nazi comments such as one member’s comment: “am reading Mein Kampf [by Adolf Hitler]…everybody should be forced to read it, especially Jews who have their own agenda as to why they were not liked”. Mr Corbyn, Clive Lewis MP, Mr Corbyn’s son Seb, Jack Bond and other key figures within the Labour Party were all members.

Mr Corbyn’s statements create the impression that he did not know what was happening in the secret Facebook group of which he was a member. That was always implausible, not least because he himself commented on antisemitic posts. But today, John McDonnell told Sky News that Mr Corbyn left the group ‘when he discovered…that there were some people in it who were expressing antisemitic views’. This means that Mr Corbyn knew exactly what was going on but chose not to report it, and in doing so, knowingly protected the antisemites in the group (some of whom the Labour Party has now suspended pending investigation).

The reality is that Mr Corbyn will likely have seen all manner of antisemitic filth from this group in his Facebook feed and sometimes he posted comments on it, so it is probably that he knew exactly what was going on in that group, legitimised it by his participation, and never once stood up to it, in breach of the social media guidelines that his Party has now adopted. Not for the first time we are filing a disciplinary complaint. If Mr Corbyn had any decency he would resign, but as we well know, when it comes to antisemitism he has no decency or credibility whatsoever, and under his leadership neither does the Labour Party.
Israeli and Saudi officials reportedly hold series of secret meetings in Egypt
Top Israeli and Saudi Arabian officials reportedly held a series of secret meetings in Cairo last week, ahead of US President Donald Trump’s expected unveiling of his long-awaited Middle East peace plan.

A Palestinian Authority official told the UAE-based Al Khaleej Times on Friday that Egyptian officials were mediating talks that he described as “significant development” in the slowly warming ties between Jerusalem and Riyadh, a trend that he said was undermining the authority of the Ramallah-based Palestinian government.

“The warm relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia are damaging the Palestinian Authority,” he said. “It seems that Israel is no longer the greatest enemy in the region anymore.”

In one of the first visible signs of the ties, this week, the Saudis granted Air India permission to fly through Saudi airspace to Israel, a first in 70 years.

According to the PA official, the talks — held at a luxury hotel, with Egyptian officials present — also dealt with the economic interests of Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, particularly in the Red Sea region.
Netanyahu said to ask Trump not to sell Saudis nuclear reactors
During talks in Washington this week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked US President Donald Trump not to go ahead with an emerging deal to sell Saudi Arabia nuclear reactors, Channel 10 news reported Friday.

Trump reportedly refused to commit to halting the plan, telling Netanyahu that if the US did not supply the reactors, then the Russians or Chinese would, the report said, citing unnamed senior Israeli officials.

In recent months Saudi Arabia has announced its intentions of embarking on a massive program to become “self-sufficient” in producing nuclear fuel. Preliminary plans suggest the Saudis may be looking to build as many as 17 reactors in all.

Netanyahu’s requests come despite an apparent ongoing improvement in behind-the-scene ties between Jerusalem and Riyadh, ironically spurred by a joint desire to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and to fix the Iran nuclear deal. This week, the Saudis granted Air India permission to fly through Saudi airspace to Israel, a first in 70 years.
UK, Saudi Arabia ‘call to disarm Hezbollah, rein in Iran’
Saudi Arabia and the UK vowed in a joint statement Saturday to deepen ties and strategic cooperation on issues of common interest, including efforts to disarm Hezbollah and weaken Iran’s regional influence, Saudi press reported.

According to the Saudi Press Agency, British Prime Minister Theresa May and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, at the end of the latter’s state visit to London, agreed that the Lebanese government should be supported in extending its control over Lebanese territory, and stated that it was important to “disarm the Hezbollah militia and confront its destabilizing role.”

The two countries also discussed the need for Iran “to abide by the principles of good neighborliness, [and] non-interference in the internal affairs of countries,” and to “take concrete and practical steps to build confidence and resolve its differences with its neighbors by peaceful means.”

The two nations further agreed on various avenues of future cooperation, including education, science, technology, and finance.
Arab German security guards besiege Israeli tourist stand in Berlin
Security guards who were assigned to protect the world’s largest tourism trade fair in Berlin harassed an Israeli booth on Thursday, screaming pro-Palestinian slogans.

The three guards were of Arab origin, according to witness accounts reported in the daily Der Tagesspiegel. The men yelled “Free Palestine” and “Freedom for Palestine.”

Police intervened and the security guards were suspended. It is unclear, according to the Taggesspiegel article, if the police are investigating the men for disturbing the peace.

Der Tagesspiegel wrote that Berlin officials have repeatedly drawn attention to the presence of young men who work for security companies who have contact to criminal gangs and radical mosques. The Israeli stand at the tourism fair sported the logo “Israel, the Land of Creation.”

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told The Jerusalem Post on Friday: “What happened to Germany’s commitment to ‘never again’ to Antisemitism? This ugly incident at an international event in Berlin- by security guards no less- threatens to become in the new normal in Germany. Unless authorities actually crack down on virulent Jew-hatred, the could be God forbid, further escalation of anti-Semitism in word and deed. “

The Berlin police union (GdP) tweeted that it is "said but true that colleagues had to rush to the Israel stand to help [since] it was apparently stormed by politically agitated men."
US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Hails Israel Ties, Talks Tough on Iran
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Thursday night became the latest senior Trump administration to hail the current state of US-Israel bilateral ties, at the end of the week that centered on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to America.

In a speech to a Jewish gathering in New York City, Mnuchin said, “There is no better partner of the United States than the State of Israel.” He saluted President Donald Trump as “the greatest friend to the State of Israel.”

Mnuchin maintained the tough talk on Iran from administration circles in recent weeks.

“The president has announced he will no longer sign waivers with the JCPOA, the (July 2015) Iran nuclear deal,” the treasury secretary declared. “The president is not only committed to making sure Israel is safe, but that its neighbors and the rest of the world are safe from ballistic missiles and from Iran exporting terrorism through the region.”

Mnuchin also spotlighted the significance of his own department in fighting terrorism.

“The Treasury has had an important role in fighting terrorism going back since World War II,” he said. “We have over 700 people at Treasury that are focused on sanctions and sanctions management, and these are very important tools, and these tools work.”

He continued, “Let me tell you, stopping the financing [of terrorism] through sanctions absolutely works.”
Friedman: Trump backs ADL's war on anti-Semitism
Leaders of the Anti-Defamation League held an event in Tel Aviv Thursday evening marking the upcoming 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel and the formation of diplomatic ties between the Jewish state and the United States.

The event featured members of the US mission to Israel, led by American Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, who addressed the gathering, pledging the Trump administration’s support for ADL efforts against anti-Semitism and bigotry.

"The ADL has evolved to keep pace with anti-Semitic and racist forces of a new generation,” said Friedman. “We should note that the Trump administration and myself, personally, support you 100% in your efforts to combat racism and anti-Semitism in the United States and everywhere in the world."
Europe criticizes Israel over legislation on terrorism
The European Union (EU) on Friday issued a sharply worded statement in which it criticized the law that was approved this week in the Knesset, which allows the permanent residency of terrorists to be revoked.

“This week, the Israeli Knesset adopted legislation which empowers the Israeli Minister of Interior to revoke the permanent residency status of persons involved in terrorism, treason or espionage,” the statement said.

While the EU stressed it “rejects terrorism in all its forms”, it warned that “the new law could make the residency status of Palestinians in East Jerusalem, a protected population under International Humanitarian Law, even more precarious than it already is today. The new law could be used to further compromise the Palestinian presence in East Jerusalem, which would further undermine the prospects of a two-state solution.”

“In line with international law, the European Union does not recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967, including East Jerusalem, and does not consider them to be part of Israel’s territory, irrespective of their legal status under domestic Israeli law,” it said.

“The European Union will closely monitor if and how this new law is applied to Palestinians in East Jerusalem,” the statement concluded.
Haniyeh: We won't be able to contain Gazans' protest
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said on Friday that the group would not be able to contain the mass protests on the day the U.S. moves its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

“We cannot stop the tens of thousands of residents who will go north, south and east to protest against the siege imposed upon Gaza,” he said, according to reports in Israeli media.

U.S. President Donald Trump announced two weeks ago that the American embassy would move to Jerusalem in May to coincide with Israel’s 70th Independence Day.

The embassy will be in located in the building that houses the consular operation in Jerusalem before moving to a separate annex by the end of 2019.

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) blasted the decision, with senior official Saeb Erekat saying, "The American administration's decisions to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and choose the Palestinian people's Nakba as the date for this step is a blatant violation of international law.”

The Arabs refer to Israel’s founding as the Nakba, or "catastrophe."

Earlier this week, officials in Gaza said hundreds of tents are to be erected near the Gaza-Israel border for a six-week protest between March 30 and May 15.
Open Promotion of Terrorist Organization at San Francisco State University
The PFLP is an internationally recognized terror group, responsible for terror attacks across the globe.

Recently, Palestinian associated with the PLFP terror group murdered 5 Rabbis with meat cleavers and axes as they prayed in Jerusalem on November 18 2014. A sixth victim, a Druze Israeli policeman was also killed.

The logo of the PFLP leaves no doubt of their goal- the eventual takeover of all of Israel, from the "river to the sea"

Why is GUPS , the General Union of Palestinian Students at taxpayer supported San Francisco State University openly promoting this terrorist organization on their Facebook page?
Texas A&M University Senate Denounces ‘Antisemitic’ BDS Campaign, Extends Support to Jewish, Israeli Students
Student leaders at Texas A&M University in College Station approved a resolution late Wednesday that condemns boycotts of Israel and commits to welcoming Jewish and Israeli peers.

The legislation was introduced during the Student Senate’s open session and adopted with a vote of 38 in favor, six against, and 12 abstentions.

“Israel has been and continues to be one of America’s strongest allies,” read the measure, which pointed to bilateral trade ties between the Jewish state and Texas that “faculty and students continue to benefit from.”

Acknowledging the uptick in antisemitic incidents recorded by the Anti-Defamation League in the US in 2017, the resolution came out strongly against the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, calling it “anti-Semitic in its effect, if not in its intent.”

After embracing “Jewish and Israeli students as a valued member of the Aggie family,” the legislation said the Student Senate would “not facilitate, promote, or participate in any activities that promote BDS or any other form of anti-Semitism.”

It also recommended that no campus group “support, contribute to, or receive contributions from BDS,” while expressing respect for the free speech rights of students.
Court: National origin (Israeli) discrimination claim against National Lawyers Guild can go forward
The National Lawyers Guild is a left-wing lawyer organization that, among other things, actively provides legal advocacy in support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. NLG also advocates against Israel on a variety of international issues.

NLG is a “proud member” of the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (since rebranded as U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights), the group that is so toxically anti-Israel that not a single congressman or congresswoman would sponsor its intended Capitol Hill event.

In July 2016, the National Lawyers Guild, Inc. and the National Lawyers Guild Foundation, Inc.(collectively, “NLG”) were sued by Bibliotechnical Athenaeum, an Israeli company.

The lawsuit alleges that NLG refused to accept an advertisement from Bibliotechnical to be placed in an NLG Dinner Journal for an event. Bibliotechnical alleged that the ad was rejected because Bibliotechnical is an Israeli company.

The Complaint alleged this refusal constituted discrimination on the basis of national origin in public accommodations under New York City Human Rights Law Section 8-102 and The New York Executive Law Section 292(1).

NLG moved to dismiss the complaint, to strike certain paragraphs, and to disqualify plaintiff’s counsel, David Abrams, because he was a necessary witness in the case. Among other things, NLG argued it would violate its First Amendment rights to force it to run Bibliotechnical’s advertisement, and that the Dinner event was not a public accommodation subject to the anti-discrimination laws cited in the Complaint. (h/t MtTB)
How the Nazis’ token Jew turned the 1936 Berlin Olympics into a propaganda win
Retired US army general Charles Hitchcock Sherrill shouldn’t have been so glad to meet Adolf Hitler in 1935.

Sent by the International Olympics Committee, Sherril’s job was to put an end to German policies banning Jews from the Olympics it was hosting in Berlin the following year. Instead, he came back with a glowing report about the Führer — and a promise by Hitler to include at least one “token Jew” at the Games.

Berlin had initially been awarded the ability to host the upcoming Olympics in 1931. It was a signal of the country’s return to the global stage after years as an international pariah following World War I.

But shortly after Hitler assumed power in 1933, protests focused on Germany’s official anti-Semitic public policy began forming across Britain and the United States. People were infuriated that the host of the games sought to prohibit Jewish athletes from taking part in the international sporting spectacle.

In the autumn of 1934, the American Olympic Committee (AOC) visited Berlin, sending its president, Avery Brundage, as a representative.

But as German author Oliver Hilmes writes in his new book “Berlin 1936: Sixteen Days in August” the sporting delegate’s official trip to the German capital was a farce.
Dutch Muslim party won’t join Amsterdam coalition against anti-Semitism
A political movement representing Dutch Muslims distinguished itself from nearly all of the capital’s other parties when it refused to sign a document condemning anti-Semitism.

The Denk anti-integration party, which has frequently been accused of espousing anti-Semitism, did not respond to a request by the Jewish community to sign the document, titled “Amsterdam Jewish Accord.” It states that Jews have a right to security paid for by the city government, that anti-Semitism needs to be fought and that the Jewish elements of Amsterdam’s history should be taught to the general population.

All of the capital’s other parties except one signed the document on Tuesday, two weeks before the March 21 municipal elections in the Netherlands. The other party that sat out the agreement, BIJ1, was founded by a politician who left Denk.

According to a February 24 poll ahead of the elections, Denk and BIJ1 will clinch five seats out of the City Council’s 45 — a result that matches the projected number of seats for the ruling People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy and tops the projection for Dutch Labor in Amsterdam. Denk was established in 2016.
Macron Vows To Fight Anti-Semitism, Addresses Céline Controversy
French president Emmanuel Macron has once again declared his commitment to combatting anti-Semitism in his country. This time, it was at the annual dinner of the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions, or CRIF. At the outset of the address, French media reported that Anti-Semitic violence increased 26 percent last year in France and criminal damage to Jewish places of worship and burials increased 22 percent.

“We have understood, with horror, that anti-Semitism is still alive,” Macron said. “And on this issue our response must be unforgiving. France would not be itself if Jewish citizens had to leave because they were afraid,” he said.

The president’s address to CRIF covered topics like the continued protection of synagogues and schools, as well as the scourge of online radicalization. The latter preceded a call from Macron to European leaders to come together and force social media platforms to remove extremist content.

Macron also weighed in on another contentious topic: The proposed re-publishing of author Louis Ferdinand Céline’s anti-Semitic pamphlet, eventually scrapped by Gallimard.

“Céline was not a socialite anti-Semite, but a pro-Hitler anti-Semite,” Marc Knobel, CRIF’s director of studies, told The Associated Press. “His pamphlets are appalling. They are crime-inducing. With them, Céline expressed his execration for the Jews, called for putting the Jews to death.”
Have Israeli researchers discovered Israel's new cash crop?
Researchers in Israel said they have succeeded in cultivating commercially desert truffles whose market price reaches $120 per pound — slightly less than the cost of silver and four times that of uranium.

The researchers from the Ramat Hanegev Desert Agriculture Center in Israel’s south made a breakthrough in stimulating a symbiosis between the fungus Terfezia leonis, which occurs rarely and unpredictably in nature, and the common desert shrub Helianthemum sessiliflorum, Ynet reported Thursday.

It marks the first time that the truffle, a highly sought-after delicacy across the Middle East and beyond, has been cultivated, according to Ramat Hanegev. The researchers said farmers will be able to harvest in small areas unprecedented yields.

Both the fungus and its host shrub require little water and no fertilizer, making the cultivation of Terfezia leonis potentially Israel’s most cost-effective agricultural crop. Commercial cultivation by Israeli farmers may begin as early as next year.

Bedouins in Israel’s Negev region are occasionally able to extract small amounts of the desert truffle with their tracking skills. But the supply is scarce, unreliable and labor-intensive, the report said.
Israeli Team Provided Trauma Counseling Following Parkland High School Shooting
Just ten days after a mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, experts from the Israel Trauma Coalition arrived to educate teachers and community leaders about moving forward and helping people cope.

Fourteen students and three staff members were murdered in the Feb. 14 shooting, making it one of the deadliest school massacres in history.

Israel Trauma Coalition’s Yotam Dagan from Natal Israel Center for Trauma and Resilience and Alan Cohen from the Community Stress Prevention Center, in coordination with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Consulate General of Israel in Miami, as well as local health and counseling bodies, led sessions for about 600 clinicians, law enforcement officers, social workers, parents, first responders and members of the clergy, according to a report by Israel21c.

“The psychological shockwaves of the event have been tremendous,” Dagan told Israel21c. “We met as many community members as we could, enabled them to talk about their trauma and then shared Israeli best practices for the day after.”
Tikvah, the Zionist Group at UC Berkeley Fundraising for Victims of Syrian War.
According to the Action Group for Palestinians of Syria, as of this week:
  • The total number of victims documented by the Action Group is 3665, including 465 women
  • 1672 Palestinians are locked up behind Syrian government’s bars, 106 of which are women
  • Yarmouk refugee camp is under the Syrian regime army and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s siege for 1,691 days in a row
  • 205 refugees, mainly in Yarmouk Camp, have died due to lack of medical care and malnutrition
  • Water supplies have been cut off Deraa Camp for 1427 days, and 167 days in Yarmouk Camp
  • The Regime army has been in control of Handarat camp for more than 522 days. More than 80% of its buildings have been completely or partially destroyed.
  • Approximately 85 thousand Palestinian-Syrian refugees fled to Europe by the end of 2016
  • 31 thousand refugees are located in Lebanon
  • 17 thousand refugees are sheltered in Jordan
  • 6 thousand refugees are in Egypt
  • 8 thousand refugees are staying in Turkey
  • One thousand refugees are present in Gaza
Yet the "human rights groups" that claim to care about the Palestinian people are strangely and uncharateristically silent when they can't hold Israel responsible for their suffering.

Real, tangible help instead comes from the last place you'd expect it- from Israel, a nation officially in a state of war with Syria.

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