On 1 January 2018, a Turkish citizen, Cemil Tekeli, a lecturer in law, was arrested on suspicion of aiding Hamas terrorists in Turkey. On 21 January, Dara'am Jabarin, an Israeli citizen and resident of Umm al-Fahm was also arrested.The founder of SADAT, Adnan Taniverdi is not only "close to Turkish authorities." He is a senior military advisor to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
During the investigation it was learned that the two had been recruited in Turkey by senior Hamas terrorist Zaher Jabarin, who was released in the Shalit deal. He is responsible for Hamas' budget and promotes ramified terrorist operations in Judea and Samaria on instruction from Salah Aruri, who serves as the deputy chairman of the organization and head of its operations in the West Bank.
In Tekeli's investigation, it was learned that Turkey contributes to the military strengthening of Hamas via – inter alia – the SADAT company that was established at the behest of Adnan Basha, an adviser who is close to Turkish administration officials. The company was founded to assist – with funds and war materiel – the creation of the 'Palestine Army', the goal of which is to fight Israel. One of its employees even helped senior Hamas officials to visit a 2015 weapons show in Turkey, during which they expressed interest in UAVs.
During the investigation It became clear that Hamas is in direct contact with Turkish authorities via Jihad Ya'amur, a terrorist who was involved in the abduction of IDF soldier Nahshon Waxman and was released in the Shalit deal.
The investigation showed that, in 2012, Tekeli was asked to help Hamas terrorists who had gone to Turkey become personally and economically established. Most of the terrorists in question had been released in the Shalit deal and were involved in attacks that claimed Israeli lives. Tekeli assisted them in obtaining visas that allowed them to stay in Turkey, in purchasing and renting commercial and residential properties, in purchasing luxury vehicles and in becoming established in business via the registration of companies in their names.
And Cemil Tekeli is close to Taniverdi, as this photo from the SADAT website itself shows them next to each other (the two on the right.)
Makor Rishon, which uncovered the photo, says that Sadat is no longer just a security consulting company. Beyond its Islamist agenda, it is considered one of the centers of power in Turkey. Erdogan's opponents treat it as his private militia.
Now the Shin Bet has exposed that it appears that Hamas is also an integral part of its activity.
Makor Rishon reports:
Tekeli revealed in his interrogation that Hamas was operating in Turkey with close ties to the top echelon of the regime. He revealed that senior officials in the Turkish government are contributing to Hamas' military buildup through SADAT, which is helping funds and weapons to establish a "Palestinian army" to fight Israel.Turkey is actively working to topple Israel through its ties with Hamas.
The Sadat Company (SADAT) was established five years ago by General Adnan Taniverdi, former head of the special forces of the Turkish army, inspired by Erdogan. The Islamist Taniverdi, who was ousted in 1997 from the Turkish army because of his Islamist activities, later became one of Erdogan's closest advisers. The two have since had a deep ideological affinity and mutual trust.
Taniverdi knew exactly what he wanted. ...From the start the company was much more than a defense consulting company - it had a mission. In a manifesto on the company's website, Taniverdi wrote that "Sadat was established to help the Muslim world reach heights that match its status and realize its destiny among the great powers." At the core of this mission is a struggle against the State of Israel and the Taniverdi manifesto includes a detailed plan "How to conquer Israel in ten days." The program is based on the military and political cooperation of the Islamic countries. "The Islamic countries must give the Palestinians bases in their territory, from which they can demonstrate military power against Israel and produce a sea corridor to Gaza and an air corridor to Ramallah through Islamic geography."
A reader of the manifesto may erroneously think that it is an Islamist fervor, and that any connection between it and reality is strictly coincidental. This is not the case. In recent years, the company has operated in accordance with its principles. Including Libya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Now, it turns out, Hamas too.
(h/t Yoel)
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