Here are the pictures of this "rage" from the Fatah Facebook page. I am choosing the photos with the most rioters in the shot.
Al Bireh:
South of Nablus (I can't see anything either:)
That's it.
It doesn't look like more than a few dozen youths bothered to show up, total, between seven West Bank locations.
Here's Fatah's poster calling for the riots:
If riots that are called by Fatah are newsworthy when a couple of hundred people show up, as they did in December, then aren't riots called by Fatah that are miserable failures also newsworthy in showing that Palestinians really don't care any more about either Fatah or Jerusalem?
Similarly, Fatah called on Israeli Arabs to protest last Tuesday. I couldn't find a single story or photo about any such rally.
Fatah's impotence even within its supposed West Bank strongholds is a major story that not a single major news media source is covering.
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