My name is Emtiaz Zourob (36 years old). I am a writer from Gaza, Palestine. I have granted an asylum in 2015 and my family had an approval to come to USA in 2016. They left Gaza to Egypt and now they are in Cairo for more one year. My family's visa interview was in April 19, 2017. After the interview , they put our case under the administrative processing.Lancaster Online wrote last year:
Now we are waiting the US embassy to finish what they called "administrative processing". My husband and I sent a lot of emails to the embassy telling them about our difficult situation and asked them to expedite the administrative processing but we don't get any good response from them until now. They keep saying " Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing ".I can't understand why this administrative processing is taking a long time.
I didn't see my husband Ramzi Zourob and my two kids, Rama (9 years old) and Ahmed (5 years old) for 3 years!
I am trying to work hard to pay my bills and fix my old car or buy a new one but I am still so sick, I can't do it. I need money to establish a new life here for me and for my family, and to continue my study to get master's degree.
In Oct 2, 2017. I got my green card and now it is allowed to me to go to Egypt to see my family for a while then comeback. I feel so excited but the problem is I have to wait until I am done with my procedure and I don’t have enough money to pay my bills and to buy the ticket and gifts to my kids. I will spend one month there, I know it will be very difficult to leave them again, but I have to.
So please help a mom with a broken heart to be reunited with her family again.
Three years ago, Palestinian writer Emtiaz Zourob said goodbye to her husband and two children and fled Gaza after being warned her life was in danger because of her views.This seems to be the same Emtiaz Zourob who wrote a book extolling female suicide bombers. (Her blog talks about her books and her moving to America, so I'm 99% sure it is the same person.)
U.S. authorities granted her asylum and led her to believe her family would be able to join her in Lancaster, where she was resettled.
Then, with election of Donald Trump as president, Zourob’s hopes for family reunification crashed.
Two students at the Islamic University of Gaza had a project to translate "Palestinian Women Through History," by Emitiaz Zoroub, into English. The book praises female suicide bombers and other female terrorists in no uncertain terms.
Female Human BombThe "Female martyers" [sic] is not an incidental phenomena in the Palestinian community. The phenomenon, which began during the second Intifada, was used against the enemy. It caused much damage to the enemy as it forced it to panically search for "human bombs" who were ready to detonate themselves anytime.Specific female terrorists are described in romantic ways:
Those women, who sacrificed their lives for the cause of their country, were highly educated and satisfied in their personal lives. However, they suffered from the effects of the 1948 Nakbah, (the Palestinian Catastrophe), as well as from the continuing effects of the Israeli apartheid regime. This suffering turned them to 'movable human bombs', in order to stop all barbaric attacks against their people. So they chose to leave their families, friends, ambitions and joined the path of resistance in order to secure a bright future for their people.
On Sunday morning January 27, [2002] Wafa [Idris] woke up greeting her mother as usual and telling her ' the situation is so difficult that makes everyone expect death anytime" Then she left to her voluntary work in the "Red crescent". When she arrived, she greeted everyone for the last time, trying to copy everyone's face and to take with her the memories that will not die. Then she left to the Yafa street in Jerusalem city. On her way she started to remember men, women and children who were wounded or died from Israeli forces attacks; those faces that provoked her to revenge and give other peace. Idris, a volunteer medic who raised doves and adored children, blew herself to pieces in less than a minute, in a downtown shopping district, killing an Israeli man and wounding many other people.Why was a woman who openly praises the most heinous kinds of terrorists allowed to gain asylum, and a green card, in the US?
Surrounded herself by an explosive belt Dareen [Abu Aisheh] ran to her target on 27/2/2002. She walked proudly and with confident steps as if she were walking toward the gates of Heavens, and within minutes she blew herself up near the Bit Sira military checkpoint, killing scores of Israelis and injuring others.
(h/t Michelle G)
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