
Today's Arab media antisemitism

Dr.. Ismail Ibrahim writes in Al Ahram Gate on Monday that the Muslims need to unite to defeat the treacherous, evil Jews.

Not Israels - Jews.

While Arab leaders are rushing to make agreements and  peace with the Jews, Israel clings to the Knesset with a painting showing  the area from the Nile to the Euphrates as part of Israel. doesn' t that mean Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and part of Saudi Arabia ?!
This painting is fictional, of course.

Did any of the Arab leaders of the Israeli rulers demand that this painting be removed? Of course not, and the voices still hold on to the strategic option of peace. Every day we relinquish other rights, as will happen in the deal of the century, to which some Arabs and Muslims cheer.

...I do not know how to negotiate with those who have known treachery of the covenants, and the killing of the prophets, and their hands are still dripping with blood, throughout ancient and modern history, they are Jews. There is no difference between the Jews of today and the Jews of yesterday. They say that they are the chosen people of God. But they say that the Lord of Jews orders them to kill and destroy anyone who is not a Jew, and this is not a slander.

In our struggle with the Israeli enemy, and in order to preserve the Islamic sanctities, including Jerusalem, we have no need to turn to the life and mind of Saladin and Saif Qataz. We fight the Jews, and this is inevitable, no matter how deceitful the deceivers are. Only when Muslims raise the flag of Islam...under the unity of Muslims will we find Jews in fear and panic...
This article was linked to on the front page of the Ahram Gate newspaper.

Meanwhile, Asaad Al Azouni writes in Mustaqila that Jewish lobby groups are very dangerous. Among the worst is MEMRI, which dares to translate articles like his into English so everyone can know what Arabs really say to each other. Or, as he puts it, its purpose is "to incite the world against us through deliberate misinformation. "

But also AIPAC, of course  - and J-Street too - are Jewish lobby groups. 

Among the methods of these Jewish groups are false accusations of anti-Semitism. This is impossible, because today's Jews are Khazars from the Caspian Sea today and are not Semites to begin with. They were converted under pressure of their 17th-century [sic] king - but the king didn't convert because he loved Judaism but to escape the Christian and Islamic pressure.

Holocaust deniers are also victims of the false accusation of antisemitism, like Roger Garaudy.

The real problem, we are told, is the Babylonian Talmud, "which is the source of black terror in the world, because it incites crime and murder," which includes such laws as "send your neighbor diseases, and steal from your non-Jewish neighbor and sleep with his wife."

How dare these evil Jews call anyone antisemitic!

Aezzona has written bizarre antisemitic articles in a number of Arab publications, including the claim   ISIS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi  is really named Rabbi Elliott Shimon.

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