I still admire the program, if not head coach Nick Saban. He is unlikable.
Therefore, what I'm about to say is not meant to be a slight on 'Bama. It's a slight on a system that made them unworthy National Champions.
For the 2nd time in the College Football Playoff era, Alabama has won a National Championship without having won its Conference Championship, or even its Division Championship.
If they're not even the best team in their own Division, how can they be the best team in the country? They can't.
This is supposed to be an improvement over the BCS, and the Bowl system before it? It's not.
Until a rule is put in place eliminating non-champions from the Playoff, there will be the possibility of producing illegitimate champions.
But there's a bigger takeaway from yesterday's overtime thriller in which Alabama beat the University of Georgia 26-23 at the new Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta.
Before the game, Donald Trump took the field with the color guard. As you would expect from people from rural Georgia and rural Alabama, there were a lot of cheers. As you would expect from people from Atlanta, and black people in general, there were also a lot of boos.
The National Anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner," was played. No one took a knee.
But video cameras caught Trump -- the purported President of the United States -- getting the words wrong.
This wasn't the 1st time, either. This was.
Colin Kaepernick, whom Trump called "that son of a bitch," knows the words. But Dumb Donald is so dumb! (How dumb is he?) He's so dumb, he doesn't know the words to the (blank)!
Now, who's disrespecting the Anthem and the flag? Dumb Donald is disrespecting the Anthem and the flag!
Oy vey, can't he see?
Didn't get the words right. What so loudly he yelled? Can't tell what he was screaming. His broad gripes, football stars heard them from the far right o'erstayed his welcome and has left us all steaming.
And his mean orange glare
his tweets fouling the air
gave proof through the night:
What a drag, he's still there.
Oy vey, is that hard-mangled
stammer tweet-saved?
Mueller comes, he won't be free!
But he'll still be de...praved!
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