Which is true, and a little strange. The site used to be a frequent destination for game show news and views. But I just got out of the habit somehow. Anyway, I decided to check the BuzzerBlog Twitter feed, which I hadn't looked at in literally years. I ran across this surprising tweet...
Buzzr's basically replaced GSN outright for me at this point in terms of viewing. I still like GSN and the people are lovely and I'll watch Millionaire some now but my god do they need some different shows and some good originals. It's so stale now.
I can remember when BuzzerBlog was a one-man operation by Alex Davis, and his lack of interest in old game shows was legendary. (He once told oldies fans that they should just watch the shows on YouTube.) They've got four different people on the site now, and I assume this tweet didn't come from Alex.
As I've noted, the "variety" complaint about GSN is a lot more stale than anything on the network's schedule. On weekdays GSN actually runs as many different shows as the lauded Buzzr. Sure enough, the tweet got a reply from an oldies fan complaining about too much Harvey Feud and not enough "variety" - the usual code word for "really old stuff" - on GSN. Well, Buzzr runs a barge-load of Feud, too, and GSN is running ten other shows today.
In fact, GSN seems to be copying the lauded Buzzr's schedule lately. GSN now runs 24 hours of oldies a week. (I'm using the term "oldie" for stuff with three decades or more of dust, as the game show Interwebs use the term. Other GSN shows like Deal or No Deal, Chain Reaction and Cash Cab have plenty of age on them by more normal TV standards.)
The oldies must seem sweeter to the tweeter - couldn't resist the silly rhyme - when they're on Buzzr. As for the complaint about good originals, I happen to think that GSN's recent originals - Idiotest, Divided, Snap Decision and Emogenius - ranged from pretty good to very good. Too bad the Nielsen Company wasn't too impressed, though Divided certainly pulled good numbers in a bad timeslot at midnight. And the lauded Buzzr doesn't have any originals at all.
I watch both networks. Sometimes I watch Match Game on both networks the same day. Like today, for instance.
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