Clad in a form-fitting cashmere sweater with plunging neckline, oversized glasses, and pants that looked like they were designed for a 14-year-old girl, the speaker gave a 45-minute talk on what it meant to be a “real man of God.”
“God has specifically set up gender roles so that we can relate to each other as men and women as He designed,” he said, taking a moment re-spritz his hair with product. “God has called you men to lead your homes and show your wives that they can count on you to be a true, strong man of God.”
“It’s the butterfly design on the pockets that tipped us off,” attendee Carl Manning, 38, said. “A few people thought they were just super-trendy men’s pants, but as soon as we saw the rhinestones on the pockets, we knew for sure.”
Via the Babylon Bee, on target as usual.
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