A retired guy wrote that he is getting the Wheel of Fortune answers texted to him by a friend in an earlier time zone. So when the cheating hubby watches WoF with his wife, he naturally nails all the puzzles before she does. Now the poor guy doesn't know what to do, because his wife will be p.o.ed if she finds out about his finagling ways.
The reply is to the point...
Here's your clue: Two Words, 12 letters. (Stop cheating!) You might want to taper down slowly, and gradually decline from savant status to mere mortal. And come clean with your wife. Do so over a nice dinner, present your confession in clue form and attach a prize for her correct guess.
In other words, make a game show out of the confession. There are worse ways to cheat, no doubt (see screenshot). Still, the hubby should probably break the news gently to the wife. He's not having Vanna text him the answers, I assume.
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