
Abbas in Cairo called the UK, US and Israel "forces of evil" (while praising children attacking soldiers)

Here is a section of Mahmoud Abbas' speech in Cairo last week that has not been translated previously:
Dear brothers and sisters, for a long time now blessed Palestine, with its capital Jerusalem and its murabitoun people [people who man fortresses for Islam]  has been exposed to enormous challenges and targeted by racists. Tribulations and catastrophes have come upon this people, which has been assailed by the forces of evil for more than a century, ever since the days of the Balfour Declaration, but its banner has remained fluttering up high, and the morale of its sons and daughters has remained high, (they) struggle and believe in the promised victory, and despite the blood and the suffering, not a single child among us will surrender, and not a single old man will surrender, generation after generation.
Yes, this man of peace is saying that the UK and Israel, and by implication the US and the League of Nations as well, are "forces of evil." Come to think of it, the UN partition plan that would have created a Palestinian state must be on the naughty list as well.

Abbas then went on to praise Ahed Tamimi:
You witnessed with your own eye that Palestinian flower, that giant, Ahed Tamimi, ever since she was 6 years old, and now she is 16 years old, as she attacked an Israeli soldier and hit him, and she was not afraid although (the soldier) was armed. She is now in prison, and the State of Israel has punished her through detention and a racist and arbitrary/unfair trial.
 Why was she not afraid? Because Israeli soldiers are not going to attack civilians, unlike the Palestinian "murabitoun people" who are given salaries for doing exactly that.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

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