The newest UNRWA-USA fundraising letter begins with:
The original story of Christmas began over 2,000 years ago with a family from Palestine seeking refuge. In that spirit, we're collecting gifts this month to help refugees not only survive, but thrive.We might as well take the analogy further.
Joseph and Mary, being Palestinian "refugees," must have raised Jesus to hate the people who didn't let them into their inns.
That "resistance" (by killing all the innkeepers) would be justified as both moral and legal under international law.
Jesus must have learned in school that the oppressors must be fought by every means possible.
That Jews are dirty, as UNRWA schools teach.
Jesus must have learned that his highest aspiration is to stab and run over Jews.
That the word "martyr," instead of meaning being murdered for one's faith, means one is killed while trying to kill as many Jews as possible.
Any real Christian should be offended that Jesus and his family are being used to help fund-raise for an organization that tacitly and explicitly encourages terrorism - terrorism against Jesus' own people.
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