But denizens of the fantasy world think their pastime is important for some unknowable reason. So on The Price is Right one poor guy just had to give a shout-out to his fantasy football team. The linked story praises the guy for this silliness, which is a lot like praising somebody for a gambling addiction.
The nutty shout-out has gone viral in the Internet junkosphere, with a surprisingly large number of stories in Google News about Matthew Driscoll. He's the guy who lives in the fantasy world, which (let's concede) may be as good as any other world to live in.
By the way, CBS or some other nefarious entity looks to have pulled the video clip of Matthew's shout-out. Maybe it will turn up on the official TPiR YouTube channel. In the meantime, you can watch Matthew's episode on CBS.com, at least for a while.
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