This story from one of the many USA Today newspapers - you can tell from the one-size-fits-all format - relates the Family Feud saga of Michigan's Bulbuk family. Except the family is growing as I type. Allison Bulbek (second from the right in the screenshot) is expecting her first child. Meanwhile, Danielle Bulbek (third from the left) was pregnant with her second child at the time of the taping. The kid, named Harper Rae, has since been born. So life really does go on.
Otherwise the story is pretty much the usual contestant tale. The Bulbeks auditioned at the Cobo Center in Detroit, along with "what seemed like a thousand other people." Lots of people want to get on TV and win some money, I said obviously.
They flew to Atlanta for the taping in May, and they have the usual praise for Steve Harvey. "He's awesome. He's really funny - of course." Well, opinions differ about Mr. Harvey on the game show Interwebs. But when you're on the show, the host always seems like the nice guy with the cash.
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