I'm talking about the esteemed Johnny Gilbert, who just earned a Guinness award for longest tenured announcer on a single game show. The show is Jeopardy, of course, where Johnny booms out "This is...[you know what]" every ep. By now Johnny is an announcing legend and he's got a pretty impressive Wikipedia article, recently updated with the Guinness honor.
The article also offers a photo of an impossibly young Johnny from a 1945 ad. For those who flunked a few history courses, that was the year World War II ended. By the way, Johnny was born just six years after World War I ended. We're talking about a show biz veteran here.
While he was in the Army in the 1950s, Johnny was the lead singer in a musical called Xanadu. I'm not sure how that prepped him for Jeopardy, but every little bit of experience helps.
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