The Regina Thunder are looking to bounce back from their season-opening home loss to the Saskatoon Hilltops as they face the Edmonton Wildcats Saturday, August 18 at 7:00 pm at Mosaic Stadium.
Last weekend’s loss to the Hilltops was an eye opener but the according to Head Coach McAulay the team has refocused and have their sights set on the Edmonton Wildcats
“It was a tough loss but we have quickly turned our focus to improving this week. We need to practice aggressively; this is how we will grow as a team. We are looking forward to the challenge this week against Edmonton.”
Tickets are available at Gate 1 at Mosaic Stadium. Visit for prices.
The game can be seen live on Access 7.
In other Thunder news, the team is heading to Ontario at the end of August to face the Hamilton Hurricanes. The trip is expected to cost the Regina Thunder approximately $35,000. To help cover some of the expenses there is an exciting fundraiser underway; Sack the Jack.
SACK THE JACK is a “Chase the Ace” style 20/30/50 lottery. Tickets are sold at the price of 1 for $5, 3 for $10 and 7 for $20. A winning ticket is drawn and that winning ticket holder wins 20% of the week’s total ticket sales, plus the chance to pull a Jack of Spades from a deck of cards to win the progressive jackpot. The progressive jackpot is equal to $1,000 plus 30% of all ticket sales since the beginning of the lottery, or the last progressive jackpot win.
The jackpot is currently over $7,000 and there are only 28 cards left.
Tickets can be purchased at Bonzini’s or by visiting Draws take place every Monday night at Bonzini’s until there is a winner. The money must be paid out by December 18.
(Courtesy Roshelle Montgomery)
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